Today I was playing Mario Party with Clint and Janessa while Crystal was sitting on my parent's bed. She saw through the window a man come onto the front porch and make off with Clint's bike. She told us this and Clint was just going to let it go even though it just barely happened. I made him get up and run with me.
We followed the guy all the was until he turned left at the end of our street where the street ends. Then we couldn't tell which direction that he went. We kept running but we couldn't figure out which way to look. By this time we were about 5 1/2 blocks away and I was to the point where I couldn't breathe anymore. I sat on the nearest lawn on the corner and sent Clint for a bike while I tried not to die.
After 5 or 10 minutes, Janessa showed up on a bike. She let me sit on it for the trip home if I went slow enough that she could walk beside me. I don't think I would have been able to breathe yet if I had to walk so soon.
When we got home, the only thing to do was wait so we played Mario Party until my parents got home.
When they did, my mom called the police. They must've not had much to do because an officer was at our house to make the report in about 15 minutes. Yup, it was pretty exciting. My mom had the serial number so we had good chances.
A couple of days later, my dad thought he saw Clint's bike several blocks away abandoned on a front lawn. My mom went to see and sure enough, it was Clint's. So we got lucky and we got Clint's bike back.
It was probably good that I went after that man but didn't actually catch it. He may have ditched the bike because he saw me chasing him and was scared that I would call the police. If I would have caught up to the man, I would have attempted to get the bike back. What if he punched me, beat me up, or worse kidnapped me or something crazy of that sort? Scary stuff. Obviously the adreniline was pumping. If you know me, would the be any other possible reason that I would run at all, let alone 5 1/2 blocks away from my house?