Yes, so today I went along with my fam because they were going to a consultation at the ortho for Clint. When they were through, my mom mentioned my wisdom teeth to the doctor because she hasn't recieved any direction on them. So next thing I know, I'm in the waiting room and they want and Xray. So I let them shoot radiation at my head; that's not too bad right? But what's tough is that I have to get my wisdom teeth out sometime during this coming summer. I know, everyone goes through it, it's safe, easy, etc. No one can understand how much of my worst nightmare this is! I go numb going to the dentist for a cleaning and I'm in tears and fighting it for a cavity. Word I don't like hearing in the same sentence or conversation: Mandibular, surgeon, IV, wisdom teeth, etc. (you get the idea). But particularly that "surgeon" word. That scares me so badly! I don't know if I have a fear of just needles or if it's dentist/oral things all together or if it's just a fear of pain. I know I fear needles though and I'm pretty sure I fear pain. Algophobia.
I'm also stressed out because I asked someone to the MORP dance this Friday. I have no idea what I'm doing and I have no group. I'm also stressed because I already had to change one of my shifts and now I need to trade my Saturday shift with someone because I just found out my young women's group is going to the Young Women's Conference in Salt Lake. I REALLY want to go but now I'm going to have to bug Stephanie (my boss) about changing shifts again. Gack. She really hates it when we do this and I try to be a good employee (which I believe I am) but I'm still afraid she's going to rat me out! Not to mention, when we get evaluations, I'm not going to score very well in that area. You know what though, are these evaluation going to mean anything? Courtesy Clerk evaluations...This will seem so significant later.
Plus, it seems strange to me to stress about anything else when something as big as my worst nightmare looms in the near future.