When we think of Pioneer Day or pioneers in general, we generally think of those who walked hundreds of miles and suffered greatly to escape persecution and live in a place where their beliefs could flourish. While Pioneer Day is celebrated primarily to honor these amazing, stalwart individuals, I also like to think of all those other pioneers throughout history who have suffered and risked something to promote what they know to be true. I do not intend to diminish those brave souls who gave so much to settle this state in any way whatsoever--I'm am INCREDIBLY grateful for what they did so I can live in such a beautiful place where I can practice my religion without fear; however, I do want to expand our minds to other important pioneers throughout history.
I am just finishing up a book called Medical Firsts by Robert E. Adler which is a book full of the innovators of medicine throughout history, many of whom gave and risked their way of life and their honor to stay true to what they knew. Because of their persistence, mankind has been able to relieve pain, suffering, and loss of life by leaps and bounds.
My biggest surprise while reading this book was how some very good things that are now widely accepted and commonly practiced were once controversial, namely anesthesia. Did you know that some physicians thought pain was necessary for healing? Some clergy even went so far as to proclaim anesthesia a sin, even going so far as to quote the bible "in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children" to claim that if God wanted childbirth to be pain free, he would have made it pain free.
So, here's my Pioneer Day shout-out to pioneers everywhere, both those who are paving the way today and those of the past who have forged the way to bless so many. What is viewed today as strange, wrong, or even unfathomable today may well be the way of good in the future.