Friday 16:
Today there were like 7 people sick. So everyone had to move up to fill in the parts. Stacey, who usually does the poulterer lines (I am a poulterer too but I'm just an assistant and don't have any lines) took the park of Ghost of Christmas Past. (Which is a very large part.) So I moved up to take the poulterer lines. It was so super scary. During my normal costume change, I had to get a mic on too. And I've never worn or used a mic before. I ended up running to the stage, but I got out there at about the right time. I took my book out in my chicken basket. When I walked off stage, Gavin was right there and I gave him this "I don't know" kind of look. I don't know if he noticed though.
Saturday 17:
We got Sydney B. to come over and come to the matinee with Janessa. I got to be the poulterer again so that was cool so they could see me in that role. They told me that my mic was off but they could still hear me. That's pretty sweet, but I'm sad that my mic was off.
At the beginning of the second act I was sitting backstage. When I started to stand up, my shoe made this big squeek. It was really awful. And Sherilyn was sitting right next to me.
Evening show:
Gavin told me that I did a good job with the poulterer part. That makes me so happy. He wasn't there for the matinee when I did the poulterer part so he was referring to the first time I did it on Friday. He couldn't see my acting because he was backstage, but I think he was just happy that I was loud enough. He was worried that I would be my quiet self because he told me to be loud or the mic wouldn't even pick me up at the cast meeting before the first time I did the part. I was so happy to know that he approved. It was awful seeing him and not knowing what he thought.
Near the end of the show I was so scared of getting sick. There were so many sick people around--pneumonia, colds, flus, and stuff that we don't even know it's name. I was hand sanitizing every few minutes.
Mon. 19:
We had a full house. Most people liked it but I didn't really. It made it so hot. I about died when I had to stand there forever onstage as a monk.
Bryce (Scrooge) is way too nice. He went around at cast meeting and gave everyone a gift. I got a Ten Virgins lamp. It is so cute.
Tuesday 20:
Today Gavin asked me to give the word. It ended up being "I don't wanna say anything" becuase that's what I was thinking. I knew that if I said "I don't know" they would use that so I sat there for a long time before I said "I don't wanna say anything". Oh well. What did he expect?
I did the poulterer part again and I screwed up my lines. I said "Something else then?" twice. I don't think the audience noticed because I repeated the lines when I was supposed to say "Coupla chicken legs?" and it was after Tiny Tim sung this little solo thingy. Still, we were filming the show and that's going to bug me forever.
Wednesday 21:
I was the poulterer again and I got my lines correct and guess what? They re-filmed it! The cameraman re-filmed it because his microphones were picking up noises from backstage. How awful. But it bought me a second chance. I heard that he is going to splice the recordings together so hopefully he notices that my lines were correct on the second night.
The monks who bring in the large coffin during the graveyard scene tried to put it next to me, not even close to the center of the stage. It was really really annoying.
Thursday 22:
I was the poulterer again and I got my lines correct. Yay! Tomorrow is closing night... Buh. I'm going to miss the show so so very much.
23 December 2005
22 December 2005
A Christmas Carol happenings
Friday, 9 December:
Backstage there is a very narrow passage to get to the left entrance. Well, today I was trying to get through there in my poulterer skirt and get past another actor. The back of my skirt velcrows and then there is a bit of a hole. Well, that caught on the handle of a door prop and totally ripped my skirt all the way down about to my knees in the back. I didn't make it on for the main poulterer part, but it wasn't totally essential that I was there. I quickly changed into another poorish costume and made it on as a poulterer for the ensemble scene. Besides that incident, a handle on the inside of my fur almost broke and one of my dress' zippers got stuck.
Saturday, 10 December:
My whole family came to see the show and I finally got a program because Janessa brought me one. The program is so flippin' sweet.
Between the shows my whole family went out to eat at Los Hermanos. A whole bunch of the teenagers/kids from the cast of A Christmas Carol came and ate there too. It was really weird and really funny.
Evening show:
One time I walked out of the dressing room and didn't zip up the back of my dress. Yeah, that was sorta embarrasing. I noticed right when I came out so only the actors there noticed. (What if I went on stage like that?!?!) At the end of the show we had a man propose. It was very cute.
Backstage there is a very narrow passage to get to the left entrance. Well, today I was trying to get through there in my poulterer skirt and get past another actor. The back of my skirt velcrows and then there is a bit of a hole. Well, that caught on the handle of a door prop and totally ripped my skirt all the way down about to my knees in the back. I didn't make it on for the main poulterer part, but it wasn't totally essential that I was there. I quickly changed into another poorish costume and made it on as a poulterer for the ensemble scene. Besides that incident, a handle on the inside of my fur almost broke and one of my dress' zippers got stuck.
Saturday, 10 December:
My whole family came to see the show and I finally got a program because Janessa brought me one. The program is so flippin' sweet.
Between the shows my whole family went out to eat at Los Hermanos. A whole bunch of the teenagers/kids from the cast of A Christmas Carol came and ate there too. It was really weird and really funny.
Evening show:
One time I walked out of the dressing room and didn't zip up the back of my dress. Yeah, that was sorta embarrasing. I noticed right when I came out so only the actors there noticed. (What if I went on stage like that?!?!) At the end of the show we had a man propose. It was very cute.
21 December 2005
Opening Night (Thursday, 1 Dec.)
Yesterday (Wednesday) was the comp night dress rehersal. My grandparents and my mother and sister came. Yup, it was nervousing.
Anyway, on Thursday it was opening night. Our show was kind of screwed up. I finally got a poulterer basket and Beth got a pot and Mark got a rolling pin so when we are cooks people will at least know who we are. The first act was pretty good but the second act was a train wreck. It was really weird because Christmas together, which is usually really crappy, was very good. It was the best that it's ever been. Dancing on your grave was awful though. I got Dan's cape thingy (he had to get a special one that's like a foot longer than everyone else's because he is so tall). At the beginning of the second verse, we kinda started singing and then no one knew it so we didn't even sing anything for a few stanzas. Also, everyone forgot to circle around the stage and taunt Scrooge--except for me. I started walking and got to about the center of the stage when I realized I couldn't go any further because everyone else was in the way because they had not gone. And my cape was dragging and getting caught on everything. To get back to my spot, I had to get my cape across a coffin. It was pretty difficult. So because everyone else screwed up, I was the one who looked like an idiot.
Anyway, on Thursday it was opening night. Our show was kind of screwed up. I finally got a poulterer basket and Beth got a pot and Mark got a rolling pin so when we are cooks people will at least know who we are. The first act was pretty good but the second act was a train wreck. It was really weird because Christmas together, which is usually really crappy, was very good. It was the best that it's ever been. Dancing on your grave was awful though. I got Dan's cape thingy (he had to get a special one that's like a foot longer than everyone else's because he is so tall). At the beginning of the second verse, we kinda started singing and then no one knew it so we didn't even sing anything for a few stanzas. Also, everyone forgot to circle around the stage and taunt Scrooge--except for me. I started walking and got to about the center of the stage when I realized I couldn't go any further because everyone else was in the way because they had not gone. And my cape was dragging and getting caught on everything. To get back to my spot, I had to get my cape across a coffin. It was pretty difficult. So because everyone else screwed up, I was the one who looked like an idiot.
12 November 2005
Sadies (Fri. 11 Nov.)-My First Date!
Yesterday was Sadies. I went with Danny Morris and it was a lot of fun. Our theme was pajamas because we thought it would be easier. Even with something that simple, we had to do 3 different types of pajamas within our group. Danny, me, Carolee, and her date, wore blue PJs with sock monkeys on them. Danny pinned a sock monkey to his shirt which was really cute. :) Laura, Ariel, and their dates wore blue pants with Napoleon Dynamite sayings on them, and Suzie, her date, Jenna, Matt, and Jenna's friend, wore blue plaid PJs. I think the other two in our group, Katie and Kyle (I think) wore the blue plaid too maybe. I'm not really sure because they joined our group not very long before the dance.
I got picked up at like 7:30ish and we went to Los Hermanos. Downtown was so crowded that we had to park all the way in the CSMT PARKING LOT.
Los Hermanos was so hot and it took awhile to get the food coming and even until we ordered. We were there for two hours. We didn't leave until after ten. It was really fun though.
After that we drove up to the dance to get pictures. The pictures were so complex because Laura's car got there first and paid for theirs and then we had to tell the lady that we were all in their group too. Then, to make things worse, I only brought in $10, so Jenna loaned me money. We had to figure out all this math of how much our stuff together would be and how much we would owe. After awhile, we got the human calculator, Matt, to help us.
I think the pictures will turn out well. I bought a group and a single, I'm not sure how many of each.
After pictures we went down to the dance and danced a bit. Mostly Danny and I just swayed, which gets really old. I tried teaching him ChaCha and Waltz when there were those types of songs, but either he can't really dance or I'm just a really bad teacher. Probably the latter. We also did other stuff like ran in a circle with our whole group and watched Jenna and Matt dance all over the commons. They are crazily good. They just make up stuff and do it. I wish I could do that and for it to actually look good.
After like only 1 or 2 songs, Laura's car left. We started to leave, but a good song came on so we all went back in. We stayed till the end of the dance which was like 5 songs or so.
When we finally left we took Suzie and her date home and then drove to Laura's house. Ariel was seriously worried that we thought that they had ditched us because we took so long.
We played some games, which was fun, but not as fun as it should have been because I was so tired. And not a hyper tired.
After probably an hour of games or so, everyone took off. Jenna took me home. I got home at about 1 AM.
I went in my room and played stuff with Janessa and Sydney (Sydney was spending the night) and got to bed around 3 AM, completely exaughsted (SP??? I'm really tired, Okay?)
I got picked up at like 7:30ish and we went to Los Hermanos. Downtown was so crowded that we had to park all the way in the CSMT PARKING LOT.
Los Hermanos was so hot and it took awhile to get the food coming and even until we ordered. We were there for two hours. We didn't leave until after ten. It was really fun though.
After that we drove up to the dance to get pictures. The pictures were so complex because Laura's car got there first and paid for theirs and then we had to tell the lady that we were all in their group too. Then, to make things worse, I only brought in $10, so Jenna loaned me money. We had to figure out all this math of how much our stuff together would be and how much we would owe. After awhile, we got the human calculator, Matt, to help us.
I think the pictures will turn out well. I bought a group and a single, I'm not sure how many of each.
After pictures we went down to the dance and danced a bit. Mostly Danny and I just swayed, which gets really old. I tried teaching him ChaCha and Waltz when there were those types of songs, but either he can't really dance or I'm just a really bad teacher. Probably the latter. We also did other stuff like ran in a circle with our whole group and watched Jenna and Matt dance all over the commons. They are crazily good. They just make up stuff and do it. I wish I could do that and for it to actually look good.
After like only 1 or 2 songs, Laura's car left. We started to leave, but a good song came on so we all went back in. We stayed till the end of the dance which was like 5 songs or so.
When we finally left we took Suzie and her date home and then drove to Laura's house. Ariel was seriously worried that we thought that they had ditched us because we took so long.
We played some games, which was fun, but not as fun as it should have been because I was so tired. And not a hyper tired.
After probably an hour of games or so, everyone took off. Jenna took me home. I got home at about 1 AM.
I went in my room and played stuff with Janessa and Sydney (Sydney was spending the night) and got to bed around 3 AM, completely exaughsted (SP??? I'm really tired, Okay?)
20 October 2005
Catching Up
Wow, it has been a long time.
So, this post will be random because I'm just going to type what I think of... :)
Being in A Christmas Carol has been super fun. A Christmas Carol really is a pretty worn out story, but I love the music to the production that I'm in. It's the bestest ever. I don't know, maybe I'm biased. Everyone should come see it though.
On Tuesday we learned all the dancing for Fezziwig's Christmas Ball. Yeah, I'm not in shape so 2+ hours was so hard on me. I mean, I was having tons of fun, but about the time that I left I realized I was going to be really tired.
Wednesday was fun. I was so tired and random places on my body kept hurting. But Wednesday was the last day of school before UEA so it's all good. It's now Thursday and I slept about 10 hours last night. Talk about wonderful.
I also found out that Bonneville High School is doing Jekyll & Hyde. That's in Ogden (at least it's South Ogden, eh?) which is about 1 1/2-2 hours away. My mom agreed to go on this one Saturday where there's a matinee at 2 PM and then another show at 7 PM. Hey, we'd be gone for about 12 hours, but I could see it once while only driving up there once. Hopefully it all works out and hopefully they do a good job! I still have to get permission from the directors of A Christmas Carol because I'd have to leave about and hour early from our rehersal.
I'm so excited for musicals! I'm also seeing Beauty and the Beast at the Hale, The Secret Garden at my school, and Beauty and the Beast at Provo High. Well, most likely. I haven't been to the theatre since I think August? Whenever it was that I saw The Secret Garden at CSMT.
Right now it feels like Christmas because of no school today. I hate school so much.
And I know there's lots more but I'm not thinking of it. So, byebye!
So, this post will be random because I'm just going to type what I think of... :)
Being in A Christmas Carol has been super fun. A Christmas Carol really is a pretty worn out story, but I love the music to the production that I'm in. It's the bestest ever. I don't know, maybe I'm biased. Everyone should come see it though.
On Tuesday we learned all the dancing for Fezziwig's Christmas Ball. Yeah, I'm not in shape so 2+ hours was so hard on me. I mean, I was having tons of fun, but about the time that I left I realized I was going to be really tired.
Wednesday was fun. I was so tired and random places on my body kept hurting. But Wednesday was the last day of school before UEA so it's all good. It's now Thursday and I slept about 10 hours last night. Talk about wonderful.
I also found out that Bonneville High School is doing Jekyll & Hyde. That's in Ogden (at least it's South Ogden, eh?) which is about 1 1/2-2 hours away. My mom agreed to go on this one Saturday where there's a matinee at 2 PM and then another show at 7 PM. Hey, we'd be gone for about 12 hours, but I could see it once while only driving up there once. Hopefully it all works out and hopefully they do a good job! I still have to get permission from the directors of A Christmas Carol because I'd have to leave about and hour early from our rehersal.
I'm so excited for musicals! I'm also seeing Beauty and the Beast at the Hale, The Secret Garden at my school, and Beauty and the Beast at Provo High. Well, most likely. I haven't been to the theatre since I think August? Whenever it was that I saw The Secret Garden at CSMT.
Right now it feels like Christmas because of no school today. I hate school so much.
And I know there's lots more but I'm not thinking of it. So, byebye!
25 September 2005
A Christmas Carol results and other things of that day
On Saturday, someone for Center Street Musical Theatre called with results. It was so scary when I saw on the caller ID who it was. But good news, I made it! I am so excited, I was shaking for like a whole half hour after I hung up. (That was from being nervous too.) But I finally made it in a show! My first one ever! Yay! :) (Sydney, if you read this, tell me if you made it!)
A couple hours after that my whole family went to my grandparent's house to celebrate my birthday and my grandpa's birthday. (His is the same day as mine.) We had dinner and cake and ice cream and opened gifts. My grandparents gave me this awesome bracelet that has the YW values on it. And it's so much more awesome just because of who gave it to me.
A couple hours after that my whole family went to my grandparent's house to celebrate my birthday and my grandpa's birthday. (His is the same day as mine.) We had dinner and cake and ice cream and opened gifts. My grandparents gave me this awesome bracelet that has the YW values on it. And it's so much more awesome just because of who gave it to me.
22 September 2005
My birthday (20 Sept.)
School was pretty usual and pretty boring. My friends sang Happy Birthday at lunch. They sung it in the most ugly fashion that they could. 'Twas interesting. My ears were ringing afterwards. :)
After school I discovered a banana chair hidden under my quilt on my bed. Banana chairs are so awesome! Sis. Grover also brought over a gift. It was a purple shirt, but it's really tight. It makes me sad because I really want to wear it! And it was so thoughtful of her to remember my birthday when she's not even my leader anymore. Janessa also gave me a journal, pens, and tape. The tape was the only surprise, haha.
At 4:12, Mom drove everyone in my family to Springville. She dropped Clint and Janessa off at Game Stop/Wal Mart and then me at voice lessons. While I was in voice lessons she went to pick up Sydney D.
My lesson was really fun.
After my lesson we picked up Janessa and Clint and then drove to my house.
We had a few minutes so I ate a toast sandwich and then Sydney and I walked to the theater. We were like perfectly ontime. Sweetness.
The callbacks were pretty lame (but good). Only the younger kids sang, the only thing Sydney and I did was stand on stage and be compared with the other actors. At least we didn't have to sing. That would have been a fiery disaster...
After the callbacks we walked back to my house and just sat around and talked and stuff for about an hour when Sydney's mom came to pick her up. Then I watched House. I also opened my last gift. It was my journal Compano and House: Season 1 DVD. How cool is that? I opened House while watching House.
After school I discovered a banana chair hidden under my quilt on my bed. Banana chairs are so awesome! Sis. Grover also brought over a gift. It was a purple shirt, but it's really tight. It makes me sad because I really want to wear it! And it was so thoughtful of her to remember my birthday when she's not even my leader anymore. Janessa also gave me a journal, pens, and tape. The tape was the only surprise, haha.
At 4:12, Mom drove everyone in my family to Springville. She dropped Clint and Janessa off at Game Stop/Wal Mart and then me at voice lessons. While I was in voice lessons she went to pick up Sydney D.
My lesson was really fun.
After my lesson we picked up Janessa and Clint and then drove to my house.
We had a few minutes so I ate a toast sandwich and then Sydney and I walked to the theater. We were like perfectly ontime. Sweetness.
The callbacks were pretty lame (but good). Only the younger kids sang, the only thing Sydney and I did was stand on stage and be compared with the other actors. At least we didn't have to sing. That would have been a fiery disaster...
After the callbacks we walked back to my house and just sat around and talked and stuff for about an hour when Sydney's mom came to pick her up. Then I watched House. I also opened my last gift. It was my journal Compano and House: Season 1 DVD. How cool is that? I opened House while watching House.
17 September 2005
Update on the weekend (15-17 Sept.)
On Thursday evening, Hannah called. It turns out she was with Jenna and they were like 2 blocks from my house. So they came over and they wanted me to go to one of their houses for a slumber party. But my dad said I could only do one sleepover. Either one tonight or one tomorrow and I had already been planning something for Friday night. So we decided that I have a birthday sleepover thingy on Friday. My dad said that would work. :)
So on Friday I got a hold of everyone. At like 4 PM Sydney D. came over and we went online and burned some CDs, watched TV, and did other random stuff. In the evening we watched Jekyll and Hyde. At like 7:30 I called Hannah and although she said that she could come a few hours ago, her brother told me that she had went to a play or something. ok??? Then I called Jenna but she was feeling sick. Everyone else besides that had cancelled too before that. At least they called. I don't blame them at all though because yeah, it was really short notice. But for Hannah and Jenna, it was partly their idea and had already agreed that it would be a good idea.
So slumber party turned into a sleepover with Sydney, which is what I had been planning for anyway. So it was all good.
After J&H we watched TV. I fell asleep while Sydney was still watching weird cartoons. She stayed up like 2 hours longer than me. (Lucky homeschooled person.)
On Saturday we woke up and made pancakes for breakfast and then worked on songs for our auditions and did random stuff.
At 12:50 I drove us to the theater. We filled out paper thingies and then it go really nervousing. So we let lots of people pass us and we played cards. Drama people are weird. One guy stole one card and asked what we would do if he just walked off and said nothing. Sydney replied with something like: "I'd beat you to a bloody pulp." And then I think the same guy came back and made a noise and stuck his finger in my ear. What the randomness?
My audition was pretty crappy, but they asked me to come back for dancing auditions of Monday at 8 PM. Pretty sweet. I decided that I liked their auditioning because it wasn't that scary. The environment wasn't that stressful.
Sydney made callbacks too, but she didn't even really want to be in this musical. I guess it depends if her mom decides she wants to drive her to Provo basically everyday to practices.
After that we went home and did more random stuff until Sydney's mom came to pick her up.
So on Friday I got a hold of everyone. At like 4 PM Sydney D. came over and we went online and burned some CDs, watched TV, and did other random stuff. In the evening we watched Jekyll and Hyde. At like 7:30 I called Hannah and although she said that she could come a few hours ago, her brother told me that she had went to a play or something. ok??? Then I called Jenna but she was feeling sick. Everyone else besides that had cancelled too before that. At least they called. I don't blame them at all though because yeah, it was really short notice. But for Hannah and Jenna, it was partly their idea and had already agreed that it would be a good idea.
So slumber party turned into a sleepover with Sydney, which is what I had been planning for anyway. So it was all good.
After J&H we watched TV. I fell asleep while Sydney was still watching weird cartoons. She stayed up like 2 hours longer than me. (Lucky homeschooled person.)
On Saturday we woke up and made pancakes for breakfast and then worked on songs for our auditions and did random stuff.
At 12:50 I drove us to the theater. We filled out paper thingies and then it go really nervousing. So we let lots of people pass us and we played cards. Drama people are weird. One guy stole one card and asked what we would do if he just walked off and said nothing. Sydney replied with something like: "I'd beat you to a bloody pulp." And then I think the same guy came back and made a noise and stuck his finger in my ear. What the randomness?
My audition was pretty crappy, but they asked me to come back for dancing auditions of Monday at 8 PM. Pretty sweet. I decided that I liked their auditioning because it wasn't that scary. The environment wasn't that stressful.
Sydney made callbacks too, but she didn't even really want to be in this musical. I guess it depends if her mom decides she wants to drive her to Provo basically everyday to practices.
After that we went home and did more random stuff until Sydney's mom came to pick her up.
06 September 2005
Ward boundries re-aligned
Two Sundays ago they announced in our sacrament meeting that a plan had been approved to re-align the ward boundries within our stake. They hadn't warned us about this before and it was a complete surprise. They wouldn't tell us about the new boundries, they wanted us to go to a meeting later that evening.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to the meeting with Janessa. I am now in the Peak 3rd Ward. The stake is the same except a few people from the Bonneville stake were added, except they changed the name of our stake.
Our first meeting with our new wards was just this last Sunday. There's a lot of people that bug me in our ward but also a lot of really cool people that I am so glad are in my ward. I'm going to try to get to know the people that bug me better... It was weird because instead of two young men passing the sacrament with lots of older men, there were actually enough young men to have all young men pass the sacrament. I also go really annoyed because there we lots of screaming kids... GRRR, they are so annoying!
So far I'm ok with the change. I can do this, it will work. I think it will be better to have more families and actually have some youth. I really really miss lots of people in my old ward though. :( We have twelve young women now instead of five. I probably know most of them but I haven't really met them all yet so I'm not sure who they are. It's going to be annoying though because two of Clint's best friends are in our ward. One is not so bad, the other is completely dissrespectful and completely annoying. Maybe Clint will go to church more, but it most likely won't be for the right reason. Hopefully he gets some good teachers that keep him in line and will maybe show him what the purpose of church is.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to the meeting with Janessa. I am now in the Peak 3rd Ward. The stake is the same except a few people from the Bonneville stake were added, except they changed the name of our stake.
Our first meeting with our new wards was just this last Sunday. There's a lot of people that bug me in our ward but also a lot of really cool people that I am so glad are in my ward. I'm going to try to get to know the people that bug me better... It was weird because instead of two young men passing the sacrament with lots of older men, there were actually enough young men to have all young men pass the sacrament. I also go really annoyed because there we lots of screaming kids... GRRR, they are so annoying!
So far I'm ok with the change. I can do this, it will work. I think it will be better to have more families and actually have some youth. I really really miss lots of people in my old ward though. :( We have twelve young women now instead of five. I probably know most of them but I haven't really met them all yet so I'm not sure who they are. It's going to be annoying though because two of Clint's best friends are in our ward. One is not so bad, the other is completely dissrespectful and completely annoying. Maybe Clint will go to church more, but it most likely won't be for the right reason. Hopefully he gets some good teachers that keep him in line and will maybe show him what the purpose of church is.
18 August 2005
Vacation to Northern Utah (Exciting, I know)
On sunday our whole family left and checked into Best Rest Inn in Ogden. We swam, had dinner at McDonalds, and played Boggle.
On Monday I woke up at 6 AM for breakfast. Retarded, I know.
At breakfast I had a joyfully-fun time. I spilt a lot of stuff:
#1: I was getting biscuits and only placed the plate half on the edge of the table. I placed dropped the first biscuit from my tongs onto the plate—the side of the plate that was on the table. But the second biscuit wasn’t so lucky. I dropped it onto the side of the place that was not on the table which sent the plate flipping to the floor. It landed face down, wasting the biscuits. At least like half of the people in the place were laughing at me. L
#2: A made a waffle, cut it up, and drenched it in syrup. I had it on top of a bunch of brochures and stuff that I had picked up. I was taking it to my room so I could eat it on my comfy bed. Right at the door, the brochures went slack, and the plate fell face down on the floor. I cleaned everything up. Luckily Janessa and Clint had both put waffles into the makers at the same time, thinking they were both making one for Clint. So I got to have Janessa’s. I ripped it up and drenched it in syrup.
#3: I also got myself a cup of orange juice to go with it and loaded everything up and prepared to leave again. I was backing out the door when Janessa talked to me, which for some reason, freaked me out. I guess I was just so tired I was sensitive to sounds or something. But my hand tipped at that same moment and dumped some on the floor.
#4: Being stunned and thinking it was already spilled, I went to set the cup of orange juice on the table but didn’t lower my hand enough but just dropped it so it hit the table but knocked over. It sent the juice running off the table and onto a chair and the floor.
Numbers 2-4 felt like I was asleep. Luckily my dad was there by that time and he told the breakfast attendant to clean it up so I got to just take my waffle to my room. I skipped trying to take orange juice.
I had another dense moment at the room. I set down everything to get out my key, slid it through the slot, and then when I pushed discovered that the door was already ajar.
Anyway, after breakfast I played Boggle with Janessa until it was time to leave.
We stopped in Roy at a Smith's and bought lots of snacks and food for the day.
Then we drove to Lagoon and went in. It's rather boring so I'll just list the rides I went on and how many times I went on them and some of the funny events. (Plus there's more spilling on the way so stay tuned!)
Fire Dragon: 3
The Bat: 1
The Spider: 2
Wild Mouse: 1
Skyline: 3 (+)
Samarai: 1
Blast Off: 1
Rattlesnake Rapids: 1
Log Flume: 1
The ship (can't remember the real name); 1
The Turn of the Century: 1
The lines were amazingly long and now I see how few I really rode when I total them up like that.
I also looked around the Pioneer Village and went to "Hooray for Hollywood." "Hooray for Hollywood" was pretty good. I liked last years much better, of course because it was a Broadway themed show. This one basically did the same thing because not very far into the show they switched to Broadway musicals turned into movies. Tee hee. Jamie is so hot.
And I promised more spilling so here's the list:
#5: I was opening a can of Pringles and the cover was glued on very well. When I opened them like 10-15 went flying all over the cement. Janessa made me eat them all though so nothing was wasted but crumbs. :)
#6: I was eating a chip with salsa and when I was biting it, I tipped the chip backwars so the salsa dumped off onto my shirt in two places and my capris in two places.
#7: My sister shared some hand sanitizer with me and I spilt some on my pants. (I know this one is lame but I had to count it for goodness sakes.)
Oh yeah, Crystal was tall enough this year to ride all the rides except for a few. So we first took her on The Bat, which she liked. We were going to take her on The Turn of the Century next, but it was closed so we went straight to the Colosus. I watched her face the whole time and it was hillarious. It was definitely worth losing all Crystal's trust in us.
When the park closed, we began the drive home. We of course missed the freeway so we took the backroads home.
At the hotel I took a shower and hit the sack
On Tuesday I woke up and had breakfast and then with nothing else to do, watched "House Arrest" which was what everyone else was watching on HBO. It was an OK movie.
At noon we checked out and drove around. We drove to Cherry Hill but they were closed because of the insane downpour that morning.
We stopped in downtown Salt Lake and ate at the Mexican vendors. I had two very delicious tacos. I really love authentic food.
After that we drove around looking for a room. Eventually we found one at La Quinta Inn out by the airport. We checked in and unpacked. I really liked the set up of this hotel because you get sick of the same setup at every single hotel. The door to the room was at an angle and then the door to the bathroom and closet were on an angle too so the bathroom was a cool shape instead of boring rectangle. It also made the bathroom have a bit more room so it wasn't so cramped. The doors to the bathroom were also double so it gave it a very cool feeling. The room was also more of a square shape instead of a rectangle which was very nice.
After we checked in I laid on my bed and did random stuff. I also watched "Home Fried" I believe on HBO.
After the movie was over all of we kids went swimming. I really liked their pool too.
After swimming I changed and after a bit longer we walked over to this cafe called Roberts. I had grilled cheese and fries. It was annoying because they automatically brought me fry sauce for my fries. I like fry sauce, but it I don't have ketchup on such delicious fries I'll end up eating it later either plain or on bread or something to cure the craving. So Mom asked for ketchup for me. Yay.
After we ate we went back to the hotel and watched some TV and went to bed.
On Wednesday I woke up and had breakfast and did random stuff.
I got in the hot tub but didn't get my hair wet and then sat in the gazebo in the courtyard in my swimsuit and wrote in my journal. Gazebos are just too awesome to not just sit in.
After I changed I packed and stuff. Nessa convinced me to take this fitness test thingy on a bike in the fitness center. I got 62 or something, whatever that means, and my rating was elite. I don't know how they rate it but I am DEFINITELY not in shape so I don't know what's up with that.
A little after noon we checked out and drove to Walmart. It was shutting down soon and moving into a much bigger building so a lot of stuff was on clearance. I bought some hand sanitizer and a deck barbeque thingy for our Loving Family dollhouse.
Draper I think it was. Whatever city has Boondocks. We drove around forever looking for Boondocks. If I would have known where we were going I could have told them right where to go.
Eventually we got to Boondocks and we went in. We decided what we wanted to do and paid for it. First we did a batting cage for a half hour. It was very scary but they forced me to go. I surprised myself by hitting most of the baseballs. Stupid, what is up with this looking athletic and fit today?
After that I played lazer tag with Janessa and Clint. Their court was way too small. I got bored with just staying in the same area with my team so I left it and totally died like 50 times. At least it was more fun then just standing there. Each ticket was $5 and the game was only 6 minutes. Totally lame.
After the game I played two games of air hockey with Janessa. She beat me the first time and I beat her the second time.
After that we had to wait for Crystal to pick out and get a prize and then we left.
We drove for awhile until we got to Pleasant Grove. We went to Sonic and I decided it's totally lame. They would only let us use 2 coupons even though there were 6 people in the car. So only the kids got burgers. We ate on the way to Artic Circle where my parents got food. I had some fries and a very delicious Oreo shake.After that we drove all the way home. The cats were so cute. They missed me.
17 July 2005
Catching up
Wow, I keep forgetting to write.
I'm just going to talk about what I've been up to and what I can remember.
A few weeks ago Janessa and I got a job babysitting for a 10-year-old girl who lives like 1 block from us for the summer. It's basically getting paid to play with someone. :) We get $3 an hour which adds up to a lot when you babysit 5-7 hours everyday. The girl's mom relized this after the first week when she paid us.
Two weeks ago I went to Youth Conference. We stayed in hotels in Vernal and did lots of stuff. We went to museums, Dinosaur National Monument, river rafting, Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo, the Vernal Temple, hiking (blak), and lots of other stuff. It was annoying because the schedule was ill-planned so we had like no free time and on the last day we even ran out of time for the testimony meeting so we had to do it the next day.
The week after Youth Conference I went to girls camp. One of the leaders is retarded so a lot of the time there was a lot of tension. It was hard. She seriously argued back, talked behind our back, and was always on the defense. So often we got snide remarks when we didn't mean anything by what we were saying.
The last night Maria, Janessa, Sydney and I all stayed up all night. We had to leave really early in the morning so we didn't see any reason to sleep. It was so fun because we got really hyper. We got ready about an hour before we thought the leaders would get up and then hid upstairs. We watched out the window and read all the graffitti (sp?) on the walls. I wrote a bunch in my journal. It looks so cool! When we saw the leaders get up, we all sat and were totally silent. Anna, who had stayed downstairs, told us the leaders got angry, and then were just really worried. After we had hid for about 10 minutes, we decided we should come out. So we started playing Big Booty (if you don't know, it's a loud singing game). Eventually Anna came and told us they knew where we were. It was lame because the leaders themselves were supposed to come find us. So we came down and found out the Heather (a leader) had cried. So then we felt bad. But really we had done nothing wrong. We wanted to surpise them by being ready and decided to play a little joke. It's not like we ran away for 2 hours--we were gone only 10 minutes. She thanked us later so I think she realized our true intent.
On the bus ride home I slept the whole way which is like 2 hours. And once I got home I took a shower and then slept for 20 hours. 11:30 AM-7:30 AM the next day. It felt so nice.
Something else funny that happened now:
The day that we were leaving for Youth Conference, I glued my fingers together with super glue. I've never really used it before because my parents have never had it in our house so when Janessa and I opened it, I poked a pen in while she held the glue and of course it splattered on my hand. It was instantly suck and it took me like a half an hour to get it unstuck because we tried everything we could think of before we read the back of the tube.
Anyway, I can't think of anything else, so if I do you can bet I'll be back.
I'm just going to talk about what I've been up to and what I can remember.
A few weeks ago Janessa and I got a job babysitting for a 10-year-old girl who lives like 1 block from us for the summer. It's basically getting paid to play with someone. :) We get $3 an hour which adds up to a lot when you babysit 5-7 hours everyday. The girl's mom relized this after the first week when she paid us.
Two weeks ago I went to Youth Conference. We stayed in hotels in Vernal and did lots of stuff. We went to museums, Dinosaur National Monument, river rafting, Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo, the Vernal Temple, hiking (blak), and lots of other stuff. It was annoying because the schedule was ill-planned so we had like no free time and on the last day we even ran out of time for the testimony meeting so we had to do it the next day.
The week after Youth Conference I went to girls camp. One of the leaders is retarded so a lot of the time there was a lot of tension. It was hard. She seriously argued back, talked behind our back, and was always on the defense. So often we got snide remarks when we didn't mean anything by what we were saying.
The last night Maria, Janessa, Sydney and I all stayed up all night. We had to leave really early in the morning so we didn't see any reason to sleep. It was so fun because we got really hyper. We got ready about an hour before we thought the leaders would get up and then hid upstairs. We watched out the window and read all the graffitti (sp?) on the walls. I wrote a bunch in my journal. It looks so cool! When we saw the leaders get up, we all sat and were totally silent. Anna, who had stayed downstairs, told us the leaders got angry, and then were just really worried. After we had hid for about 10 minutes, we decided we should come out. So we started playing Big Booty (if you don't know, it's a loud singing game). Eventually Anna came and told us they knew where we were. It was lame because the leaders themselves were supposed to come find us. So we came down and found out the Heather (a leader) had cried. So then we felt bad. But really we had done nothing wrong. We wanted to surpise them by being ready and decided to play a little joke. It's not like we ran away for 2 hours--we were gone only 10 minutes. She thanked us later so I think she realized our true intent.
On the bus ride home I slept the whole way which is like 2 hours. And once I got home I took a shower and then slept for 20 hours. 11:30 AM-7:30 AM the next day. It felt so nice.
Something else funny that happened now:
The day that we were leaving for Youth Conference, I glued my fingers together with super glue. I've never really used it before because my parents have never had it in our house so when Janessa and I opened it, I poked a pen in while she held the glue and of course it splattered on my hand. It was instantly suck and it took me like a half an hour to get it unstuck because we tried everything we could think of before we read the back of the tube.
Anyway, I can't think of anything else, so if I do you can bet I'll be back.
27 April 2005
The Story of the Toast
This morning I was planning on eating cereal, but any kind that I wanted was gone so I actually had to cook something--toast. Which does take a lot longer than mixing up a bowl of cereal.
Anyway, I really didn't have time to finish my second slice so I left thinking maybe I could still make the bus and have time to eat my toast along the way. Well, when I came out of my house, the bus was coming up my street. (Luckily the Wednesday driver turns and goes by my house, instead of straight.) So I ran back up my walk, and just set the piece of toast on the front porch. I ran on the side of the road and flagged the bus driver and he stopped and let me on. Tee hee, that was convinient. :)
Throughout the day I wondered what my parents would think of the mystery of the toast. My dad had known that I hadn't had time to eat it, because I offered it to him.
When I got home I asked my parents what had happened to it because it wasn't on the porch any longer. My dad said that when he was watching TV, he heard birds squaking outside his window. When he looked, it was seagulls devouring my toast. Hey, it didn't go to waste at least!
Yup, and that's my story of the day!
Anyway, I really didn't have time to finish my second slice so I left thinking maybe I could still make the bus and have time to eat my toast along the way. Well, when I came out of my house, the bus was coming up my street. (Luckily the Wednesday driver turns and goes by my house, instead of straight.) So I ran back up my walk, and just set the piece of toast on the front porch. I ran on the side of the road and flagged the bus driver and he stopped and let me on. Tee hee, that was convinient. :)
Throughout the day I wondered what my parents would think of the mystery of the toast. My dad had known that I hadn't had time to eat it, because I offered it to him.
When I got home I asked my parents what had happened to it because it wasn't on the porch any longer. My dad said that when he was watching TV, he heard birds squaking outside his window. When he looked, it was seagulls devouring my toast. Hey, it didn't go to waste at least!
Yup, and that's my story of the day!
10 April 2005
Vacation, Day VIII (Home!)
Today (Saturday) I woke up and had continental breakfast and then laid on my bed probably writing in my journal or doing random stuff. We packed up and left.
We stopped for gas by our hotel and then drove and didn't stop until we were home.
While we were driving I found a dime in my water. So weird and random! No one new how it had gotten there. It explained why my water tasted weird. Once back in Utah we drove through a storm that had just visited Utah and was now headed East to Colorado. Very cool because that night on the news I saw the weather man talking about the storm moving to Colorado and I had witnessed it. It was cool to see and helped with my understanding of weather. Plus we got through the worst of the storm very quickly. :) Once we got in to the canyon (Spanish Fork Canyon?) we saw a snow plow coming back down out of the canyon. This was a given that there would be snow. Once furthur up, sure enough, there was snow! The snow was very recent which also showed the storms path. :) We saw the frozen waterfall on the cliff again.
Just a few hours later we were parked infront of our house (well, near it...someone took our spot). Just as we were jumping out of the car Brownie came running up, purring and everything. :) So cute. We checked the mail and messages on the machine and there was one from Jackie, the lady I used to babysit for. It went something like this: "Your cat is over her and he's meowing really bad!" I'm pretty sure that would have been Brownie, he probably got out of the window we left open in our room and then didn't figure out how to get in for quite awhile. He felt as if he'd lost weight. But anyway, it was really funny because of course Brownie was OK and it was so like him. :D Finally I saw that my dad had unlocked the gate to the back yard so I headed out to my room to look for Sanno. I took two steps out the door and Janessa had him and gave him to me. I could tell Sanno was pissed to have an end to his vacation. While we were gone he had ample food and water, free range access to our rooms and his favorite beds, and no one to disturb his naps. (It's all good though because the next day I hugged Sanno and he couldn't stop purring. He did miss me :D) I made reservations for Les Mis, went on the internet, watched the news and The Simpsons, and then pretty much fell asleep.
We stopped for gas by our hotel and then drove and didn't stop until we were home.
While we were driving I found a dime in my water. So weird and random! No one new how it had gotten there. It explained why my water tasted weird. Once back in Utah we drove through a storm that had just visited Utah and was now headed East to Colorado. Very cool because that night on the news I saw the weather man talking about the storm moving to Colorado and I had witnessed it. It was cool to see and helped with my understanding of weather. Plus we got through the worst of the storm very quickly. :) Once we got in to the canyon (Spanish Fork Canyon?) we saw a snow plow coming back down out of the canyon. This was a given that there would be snow. Once furthur up, sure enough, there was snow! The snow was very recent which also showed the storms path. :) We saw the frozen waterfall on the cliff again.
Just a few hours later we were parked infront of our house (well, near it...someone took our spot). Just as we were jumping out of the car Brownie came running up, purring and everything. :) So cute. We checked the mail and messages on the machine and there was one from Jackie, the lady I used to babysit for. It went something like this: "Your cat is over her and he's meowing really bad!" I'm pretty sure that would have been Brownie, he probably got out of the window we left open in our room and then didn't figure out how to get in for quite awhile. He felt as if he'd lost weight. But anyway, it was really funny because of course Brownie was OK and it was so like him. :D Finally I saw that my dad had unlocked the gate to the back yard so I headed out to my room to look for Sanno. I took two steps out the door and Janessa had him and gave him to me. I could tell Sanno was pissed to have an end to his vacation. While we were gone he had ample food and water, free range access to our rooms and his favorite beds, and no one to disturb his naps. (It's all good though because the next day I hugged Sanno and he couldn't stop purring. He did miss me :D) I made reservations for Les Mis, went on the internet, watched the news and The Simpsons, and then pretty much fell asleep.
Vacation, Day VII
On Friday I woke up at like 8 AM and ate breakfast and then went on the computer. After a bit I went back to our room and wrote in my real journal and then went back to the business center (computer room) to use a desk to write in my journal because I figured it would be easier then on a bed. After awhile my siblings came in and played pinball on the 2 computers and then I had to leave to pack and other stuff. A bit later I came back and gathered my stuff off of the desk and then finished loading stuff into the car and we finally left.
We drove for just a few minutes passing many things I wanted to stop at but we were frankly running out of time. We drove up one of the mountains in the canyon to the Royal Gorge Park. It was like $70 for our whole family to get in which is a total rip off. I of course didn't want to spend that much for something I didn't even really want to do, but my dad did it anyway.
First we crossed the bridge. It's the highest or longest suspension bridge in the world or something like that. It was really windy and I took pictures and when changing the memory stick, I almost dropped the batteries and $70 memory stick down one of the crack in the wood planking on the bridge. I was very lucky I didn't.
Pictures of the bridge:

When we got to the other side of the bridge it looked very deserted. We walked up some insane hills and saw the lame sky coaster. Claimed to be the tallest in the world. Really, it was only like 20 ft hight but I guess they counted the hight from the bottom of the gorge... *sings: Liar liars liars, every single one! They say they tell the truth, but they live on the run, from all their lies. (Song Janessa and I wrote and supposedly it will be part of our musical...We don't really have a plot yet though. :D)* Lagoons is like 3 times as high for the same price so we didn't ride it.
Pictures of the Sky Coaster:
This picture makes it look giant...
There you see the real picture...sort of. It's even more dinky from the top.
We walked up to Point Sublime to view the gorge and stuff. After that we walked over and waited for a bit to ride the tram over the gorge. I thought it was going to be very scary but really you couldn't look straight down so it wasn't too bad. It was really scary thinking that the tram was built in 1969 though...
Pictures of the tram:

Once to the other side we boarded the tram again because there was no wait and we wanted to see more stuff on the other side. This time the guide actually told us stuff but we were on the wrong side to see it all. Once on the other side we walked down to the petting zoo. The petting zoo and burro rides were closed but the lady cleaning the burros area let us pet them. They were very cute and there was even a funny llama. :) After awhile of petting we walked back down to the deserted looking area and found out that the movie they would be showing wouldn't start for 20 more minutes so we walked over to a gift shop and looked at everything and bought post cards. After paying for the stuff we walked back over to the theater and had a few minutes to look at the museum type stuff around the walls. After a few minutes of this we sat down and watched the movie. The movie actually made the park look REALLY fun. Gah.
After the movie we walked back across the bridge. It was very cool because the wind was blowing so hard that the bridge was swaying. You would think that would freak someone out like me, but I thought it was very fun. It made it exciting. The winds were blowing so hard that my dad said if Janessa would have grabbed all four corners of her blanket, the wind would have picked her up. Insane.
When we were near the other side of the bridge, it began raining and lightninging. Cool yet freaky. We saw that the incline train was open but wasn't leaving for 20 more minutes. So we went in the gift shop on this side of the gorge and looked at all the stuff. I made a pressed penny. After a bit we ran back over to the train station just in time and boarded. The incline train is the steapest incline in the world, a 45 degree angle. It was lame though because they made the cars stay upright on the angle so you didn't really feel the incline, you could only see it.
Pictures of the Incline Train:

From inside the train
Once at the bottom we were allowed to look around for 10 minutes. You could see the remains of the wooden water pipe that carried water to Ca~non City for like 75 years or so I think. You could also take a closer look at the Arkansas River and see how far up the bridge really was.
Picture of the bridge and tram from the bottom of the gorge:
Bottom line is the bridge and the top one is the tram.
I couldn't find any good pictures of the water pipe or the Arkansas River online but as soon as my digital camera will transfer pictures (we should be taking it in tomorrow to find the problem) then check my zorpia and you can see the pictures that I took!
After 10 minutes at the bottom we rode the vertical train back to the top. At the top we got out, used the bathrooms, and then we were back in the car and on the road again. We drove through most of the Rockies and it was really cool. My ears were popping like crazy.
At the next town with food (Salida I think) we stopped at Burger King and got food. (sick) After eating we hit the road again and didn't stopped until we were in Gunnison I think. We stopped at a grocery store to buy Windex to clean the extremely dirty van window. I found a bunch of stationary for only $1 so I bought that and Janessa and I used the bathroom. After a bit we were on our way again.
We drove into the night and at about 10 PM we checked into a Holiday Inn Express in Grand Junction. It was the biggest one we've ever stayed in (four floors) and there were tons of people there. I quickly dragged all my stuff into our room and put on my swimsuit. I convinced my siblings to go swimming and we went down to the pool. We played Marco Polo, sat around, got the rescue rafts and played on them, and did other random stuff. When we were done there was a shower in the pool room so we all just washed out hair and chlorined bodies off in there. (With our swimsuits on of course.) Soap ran almost to the pool. I know the showers meant for rinsing before getting in the pool, but if they leave it there, we'll use it. :) It's so much easier plus I'm sure we saved them a bit on their water bill. lol.
After swimming I sat on my bed and watched news about the popes funeral and I think wrote in my journal, I can't remember. I eventually did go to bed though.
We drove for just a few minutes passing many things I wanted to stop at but we were frankly running out of time. We drove up one of the mountains in the canyon to the Royal Gorge Park. It was like $70 for our whole family to get in which is a total rip off. I of course didn't want to spend that much for something I didn't even really want to do, but my dad did it anyway.
First we crossed the bridge. It's the highest or longest suspension bridge in the world or something like that. It was really windy and I took pictures and when changing the memory stick, I almost dropped the batteries and $70 memory stick down one of the crack in the wood planking on the bridge. I was very lucky I didn't.
Pictures of the bridge:
When we got to the other side of the bridge it looked very deserted. We walked up some insane hills and saw the lame sky coaster. Claimed to be the tallest in the world. Really, it was only like 20 ft hight but I guess they counted the hight from the bottom of the gorge... *sings: Liar liars liars, every single one! They say they tell the truth, but they live on the run, from all their lies. (Song Janessa and I wrote and supposedly it will be part of our musical...We don't really have a plot yet though. :D)* Lagoons is like 3 times as high for the same price so we didn't ride it.
Pictures of the Sky Coaster:
We walked up to Point Sublime to view the gorge and stuff. After that we walked over and waited for a bit to ride the tram over the gorge. I thought it was going to be very scary but really you couldn't look straight down so it wasn't too bad. It was really scary thinking that the tram was built in 1969 though...
Pictures of the tram:
Once to the other side we boarded the tram again because there was no wait and we wanted to see more stuff on the other side. This time the guide actually told us stuff but we were on the wrong side to see it all. Once on the other side we walked down to the petting zoo. The petting zoo and burro rides were closed but the lady cleaning the burros area let us pet them. They were very cute and there was even a funny llama. :) After awhile of petting we walked back down to the deserted looking area and found out that the movie they would be showing wouldn't start for 20 more minutes so we walked over to a gift shop and looked at everything and bought post cards. After paying for the stuff we walked back over to the theater and had a few minutes to look at the museum type stuff around the walls. After a few minutes of this we sat down and watched the movie. The movie actually made the park look REALLY fun. Gah.
After the movie we walked back across the bridge. It was very cool because the wind was blowing so hard that the bridge was swaying. You would think that would freak someone out like me, but I thought it was very fun. It made it exciting. The winds were blowing so hard that my dad said if Janessa would have grabbed all four corners of her blanket, the wind would have picked her up. Insane.
When we were near the other side of the bridge, it began raining and lightninging. Cool yet freaky. We saw that the incline train was open but wasn't leaving for 20 more minutes. So we went in the gift shop on this side of the gorge and looked at all the stuff. I made a pressed penny. After a bit we ran back over to the train station just in time and boarded. The incline train is the steapest incline in the world, a 45 degree angle. It was lame though because they made the cars stay upright on the angle so you didn't really feel the incline, you could only see it.
Pictures of the Incline Train:
Once at the bottom we were allowed to look around for 10 minutes. You could see the remains of the wooden water pipe that carried water to Ca~non City for like 75 years or so I think. You could also take a closer look at the Arkansas River and see how far up the bridge really was.
Picture of the bridge and tram from the bottom of the gorge:
I couldn't find any good pictures of the water pipe or the Arkansas River online but as soon as my digital camera will transfer pictures (we should be taking it in tomorrow to find the problem) then check my zorpia and you can see the pictures that I took!
After 10 minutes at the bottom we rode the vertical train back to the top. At the top we got out, used the bathrooms, and then we were back in the car and on the road again. We drove through most of the Rockies and it was really cool. My ears were popping like crazy.
At the next town with food (Salida I think) we stopped at Burger King and got food. (sick) After eating we hit the road again and didn't stopped until we were in Gunnison I think. We stopped at a grocery store to buy Windex to clean the extremely dirty van window. I found a bunch of stationary for only $1 so I bought that and Janessa and I used the bathroom. After a bit we were on our way again.
We drove into the night and at about 10 PM we checked into a Holiday Inn Express in Grand Junction. It was the biggest one we've ever stayed in (four floors) and there were tons of people there. I quickly dragged all my stuff into our room and put on my swimsuit. I convinced my siblings to go swimming and we went down to the pool. We played Marco Polo, sat around, got the rescue rafts and played on them, and did other random stuff. When we were done there was a shower in the pool room so we all just washed out hair and chlorined bodies off in there. (With our swimsuits on of course.) Soap ran almost to the pool. I know the showers meant for rinsing before getting in the pool, but if they leave it there, we'll use it. :) It's so much easier plus I'm sure we saved them a bit on their water bill. lol.
After swimming I sat on my bed and watched news about the popes funeral and I think wrote in my journal, I can't remember. I eventually did go to bed though.
09 April 2005
Vacation, Day VI
On Thursday I woke up, ate, and packed. I did other random stuff and then our whole family finally left the hotel.
We drove for a few hours and finally stopped in the small city of Raton. We stopped at a grocery store to use the bathroom and I got ice cream and my siblings got some kind of treat. We drove a bit more and my dad went into an Arby's and brought back Arby's melts. We hit the freeway and ate as we drove.
After another long period of driving we stopped in Pueblo at a Loaf 'n Jug (most insane name for a gas station, anyone know where it comes from?) and got gas and went to the bathroom. We then drove East for about 45 minutes and arrived at the town of Ca~non (put the squigle over the n, I don't know how to make my keyboard make that character) We looked at a Best Western but eventually decided to stay at a Holiday Inn Express. We unpacked our stuff from the car (mostly through the window because we were on the first floor :D) and then I went and used the computer. It was the first hotel we stayed at that no only had internet access, but had a computer to access it on. I typed some entries in here, checked my e-mail, and caught up at frenchboys and maybe a few other things that I can't remember. After that I did random stuff and then my parents left all of us kids in the room with a pizza on the way and went out to eat fish. Sick. The pizza came so we ate it and watched TV. After my parents got back I can't really remember what I did, just watched more TV, did random stuff, and went to bed.
We drove for a few hours and finally stopped in the small city of Raton. We stopped at a grocery store to use the bathroom and I got ice cream and my siblings got some kind of treat. We drove a bit more and my dad went into an Arby's and brought back Arby's melts. We hit the freeway and ate as we drove.
After another long period of driving we stopped in Pueblo at a Loaf 'n Jug (most insane name for a gas station, anyone know where it comes from?) and got gas and went to the bathroom. We then drove East for about 45 minutes and arrived at the town of Ca~non (put the squigle over the n, I don't know how to make my keyboard make that character) We looked at a Best Western but eventually decided to stay at a Holiday Inn Express. We unpacked our stuff from the car (mostly through the window because we were on the first floor :D) and then I went and used the computer. It was the first hotel we stayed at that no only had internet access, but had a computer to access it on. I typed some entries in here, checked my e-mail, and caught up at frenchboys and maybe a few other things that I can't remember. After that I did random stuff and then my parents left all of us kids in the room with a pizza on the way and went out to eat fish. Sick. The pizza came so we ate it and watched TV. After my parents got back I can't really remember what I did, just watched more TV, did random stuff, and went to bed.
08 April 2005
Vacation, Day V
Today (Wednesday) I woke up and had continental breakfast and then went back up to the room. No one really felt like packing so we just paid for another night in the room. We gathered a few things and then took off to see the plaza or whatever downtown Santa Fe is called.
We found a parking lot (pay of course) and parked. We walked across the street to a post office and finally mailed my letter to Kasie. It was $5.60 because I have so much junk in there...
After that we walked to the downtown area and looked at some Indian Jewelry and saw all the really old buildings. We went in a cathedral that was about 120 years old with AWESOME stained glass. There was a sign that said no flash photography so I went outside to check if the setting was correct so the camera wouldn't flash. It was--when outside in the light... So I went in and took a picture of the beautiful stained glass that was in the round window. (It look exactly (at least to me) like the round window in the Cathedral de Paris.) It of course flashed. No one came after us or anything but we just left. I got the main thing I wanted to take a picture of anyway.
After that our whole family walked to some other churches and cathedrals that were all much older. We didn't go in any because you had to pay to get in. $2.50 may not seem like a lot, but it is when you have a family of six. Things that you pay to tour never really pay off I've learned.
After a bit we came to the oldest house in the US, supposedly (sp). Here they only charged for adults so $2 wasn't bad. There were only two rooms to look at, and everything basically had been re-done with cement. The celing looked really old though so hopefully it was authentic. There were some cool artifacts from the era to look at and I took a few pictures. There was a cat in the house named Melanie I think, very cute! I of course took pictures...:D
After the house we walked around some more and headed back to the car. We drove to this one part of town that was supposedly where all the artists live and very beautiful. It was a cool drive I guess but not extremely scenic. We did find this lodge called: "The Bishop's Lodge". That was totally a Les Mis reference (even if they didn't intend it) so I made my dad drive through it. So awesome!
After driving around that area we drove to an Albertson's to buy sandwich making supplies. This Alberson's has to be the most fancy Alberson's I've ever been to. There were tons of variety of everything and lots of fancy decorations. Oh yeah, and two isles of wines and other alcoholic beverages. You don't see that in Utah. :D
After Albertson's we drove back to our hotel and ate our sandwiches and watched TV. For the rest of the day I basically laid on my bed because I was so burnt out and did random stuff that enabled me to just lay on my bed all day.
In the evening I watched "The Simple Life" and the results show of "American Idol". After that I watched "Casa 2 News" (Local Fox News for New Mexico.) After that I can't remember what I did but it wasn't long before I went to sleep.
We found a parking lot (pay of course) and parked. We walked across the street to a post office and finally mailed my letter to Kasie. It was $5.60 because I have so much junk in there...
After that we walked to the downtown area and looked at some Indian Jewelry and saw all the really old buildings. We went in a cathedral that was about 120 years old with AWESOME stained glass. There was a sign that said no flash photography so I went outside to check if the setting was correct so the camera wouldn't flash. It was--when outside in the light... So I went in and took a picture of the beautiful stained glass that was in the round window. (It look exactly (at least to me) like the round window in the Cathedral de Paris.) It of course flashed. No one came after us or anything but we just left. I got the main thing I wanted to take a picture of anyway.
After that our whole family walked to some other churches and cathedrals that were all much older. We didn't go in any because you had to pay to get in. $2.50 may not seem like a lot, but it is when you have a family of six. Things that you pay to tour never really pay off I've learned.
After a bit we came to the oldest house in the US, supposedly (sp). Here they only charged for adults so $2 wasn't bad. There were only two rooms to look at, and everything basically had been re-done with cement. The celing looked really old though so hopefully it was authentic. There were some cool artifacts from the era to look at and I took a few pictures. There was a cat in the house named Melanie I think, very cute! I of course took pictures...:D
After the house we walked around some more and headed back to the car. We drove to this one part of town that was supposedly where all the artists live and very beautiful. It was a cool drive I guess but not extremely scenic. We did find this lodge called: "The Bishop's Lodge". That was totally a Les Mis reference (even if they didn't intend it) so I made my dad drive through it. So awesome!
After driving around that area we drove to an Albertson's to buy sandwich making supplies. This Alberson's has to be the most fancy Alberson's I've ever been to. There were tons of variety of everything and lots of fancy decorations. Oh yeah, and two isles of wines and other alcoholic beverages. You don't see that in Utah. :D
After Albertson's we drove back to our hotel and ate our sandwiches and watched TV. For the rest of the day I basically laid on my bed because I was so burnt out and did random stuff that enabled me to just lay on my bed all day.
In the evening I watched "The Simple Life" and the results show of "American Idol". After that I watched "Casa 2 News" (Local Fox News for New Mexico.) After that I can't remember what I did but it wasn't long before I went to sleep.
Vacation, Day IV
Today (Tuesday) I woke up and had continental breakfast and then I can't really remember what I did but I think we just packed up and stuff.
At about 11 or 12 we hit the road again. We stopped in Dona Ana for gas and food. We had extremely greasy (but yummy) food at a place called Mike's or Mike's burgers or something like that.
We then drove for like 4 more hours until we stopped in northern Albuqueque to use the restroom. We then took a different highway--a longer route but different scenery. In the mid-afternoon we finally stopped in Santa Fe at the Chamber of Commerce. We picked up about 50 million brocures (sp?) and got advice on what to visit while in Santa Fe. We drove some more down Cerrillos road until we found a Best Western and we checked in. We took all our stuff into the room and then we drove to a Hunan not to far away. It was expensive but really yummy. They had a spiney (sp?) thing in the middle of the table so it was fun to share all of our orders.
After we ate we drove some more and Dad stopped at a liquor store and bought lots of alcohol. Stupid idiot. We drove back to our hotel and went swimming.
At 8 PM I got out of the pool and watched House. I had already seen the episode but I had forgotten what happened and it was very good. Near the end of the episode my family started coming up after swimming for a long time. Clint had thrown a raft (not just a normal raft, but one of those safety, life-saver rafts) at Crystal. This made Janessa mad so she thrust it in Clint's face and he got a bloody lip.
I finished watching House and then watched some news and near the end fell asleep. When I woke up I felt like crap but I had to take a shower to get the chlorine out. I shampooed my hair THREE times and it still felt coated because I'd let the chlorine dry. After the shower I finished getting ready for bed and went to bed.
At about 11 or 12 we hit the road again. We stopped in Dona Ana for gas and food. We had extremely greasy (but yummy) food at a place called Mike's or Mike's burgers or something like that.
We then drove for like 4 more hours until we stopped in northern Albuqueque to use the restroom. We then took a different highway--a longer route but different scenery. In the mid-afternoon we finally stopped in Santa Fe at the Chamber of Commerce. We picked up about 50 million brocures (sp?) and got advice on what to visit while in Santa Fe. We drove some more down Cerrillos road until we found a Best Western and we checked in. We took all our stuff into the room and then we drove to a Hunan not to far away. It was expensive but really yummy. They had a spiney (sp?) thing in the middle of the table so it was fun to share all of our orders.
After we ate we drove some more and Dad stopped at a liquor store and bought lots of alcohol. Stupid idiot. We drove back to our hotel and went swimming.
At 8 PM I got out of the pool and watched House. I had already seen the episode but I had forgotten what happened and it was very good. Near the end of the episode my family started coming up after swimming for a long time. Clint had thrown a raft (not just a normal raft, but one of those safety, life-saver rafts) at Crystal. This made Janessa mad so she thrust it in Clint's face and he got a bloody lip.
I finished watching House and then watched some news and near the end fell asleep. When I woke up I felt like crap but I had to take a shower to get the chlorine out. I shampooed my hair THREE times and it still felt coated because I'd let the chlorine dry. After the shower I finished getting ready for bed and went to bed.
07 April 2005
Vacation, Day III (Juarex, Mexico!)
I forgot to mention that in the last post we stayed at Teakwood Inn.
On Monday morning I woke up and had breakfast, sat around a acted lazy, packed up, and then we began driving. We drove about 45 minutes into El Paso, Texas and found a hotel. It was advertised in a brocure (sp?) as a Holiday Inn Express, but it was becoming that in 1 week and was still a Travel Lodge. We checked in and grabbed a few things and then walked to a bank a few blocks away. Here we converted some money into Pasos and converted some money into american ones.
We walked back to the hotel and waited like a half and hour in the annoying wind for the hotel shuttle to arrive to carry us to the border. Finally it did come and we were driven and dropped off at the border. We walked through the checkpoint or whatever you call it and only had to pay 35 cents. We didn't even go through checks or anything. As soon as we got over the border I saw lots of kinda run down buildings and tons of people. After just a few minutes I knew I was going to love it here. A man bugged us on the way in asking if we wanted a cab ride because there were gangs further down. My dad knew better and didn't believe him. We stopped at a few shops and walked down a few streets. I can't remember the exact order of everything but we eventually ended up at the plaza or something like that. We shopped around and then ate our pasteries we had bought at a bakery earlier. Very yummy. After eating I went with Clint and Janessa to the upper level. Nearly every shop we passed we were dragged in by the owners. I tried on several bracelets because I was forced to and was shown many beautiful items. I was bugged at each place because I was the oldest and for the most part I resisted. When we were about halfway around the upper loop of shops I was dragged into yet another store. The salesperson was desperate. He had blankets which I really didn't want. The blanket began at $25 and I kept trying to leave. He eventually got all the way down to $5. How can you resist that? (Plus I wanted to leave.) So I just bought the blanket.
We continued on and I was shown many more things. I was bugged by every shop owner as I went along. I was asked to buy a very immodist dress and some very cute baby cowboy boots. :) Near the end I was sucked into this shop and I bought a very pretty small pot for $1.
After that I made it back downstairs. We hung out for a bit more and looked at some of the downstairs shops. A totally ignorant salesperson wanted my mom to buy a bracelet for Crystal. This is of course hard because Crystal wanted it, and vocally said so, but Mom didn't want to buy it. Eventually we had to just walk off.
After a bit more we walked to the back of the store to find the bathrooms. (My whole family.) This of course took along time because we got bothered by quite a few shops. Mom bought Crystal a bracelet and then Crystal didn't want it; she wanted a necelace. It's a never ending battle with five-year-olds.
Out back of the plaza were bathrooms. They were 25 cents per person but Dad got us all in for $1. They were quite nice bathrooms concidering they were in Mexico.
When we came out there was a candy store right there so we went in and bought some candy. This was more like an American store because everything was labelled which was very nice to not be harrassed. I had no idea what anything tasted like and I could understand very little so I bought three very small candies.
When we exited the store there was a young girl and her mother there trying to sell sparkly purses for $2 each. Mom asked her if she made them herself and she said she did. But I am sure she just didn't know what she was saying because they obviously weren't homemade. (Janessa found a plastic tag holder thing around her purse.) Anyway, Crystal, Janessa, and I all got one.
When we were still purchasing from the little girl another man walked up who said he would write something on rice for two dollars or something like that. We had to turn him down.
After that I think we walked back to the main street where we came in on: B. Juarez and went back to a shop that we had been to earlier. Here I bought a purse and a change purse.
After that we began heading out of Mexico and we gave to beggars all along the way.
After we arrived at the border we had to scramble up thirty cents, we paid, and then walked across the long bridge. Back on the US side of the Rio Grande we waited in line and then went through a checkpoint where they asked us what we had and my parents showed their ID. We then went to another building where Dad payed nearly a dollar for his Tequila that the state of Texas had absolutely nothing to do with.
After that we walked to some pay phones and called our shuttle. We waited an agonizing 20 minutes or so before the shuttle came. (Ten minutes, my butt!) When we got in the airconditioned van, it was like heaven.
We rode back to the hotel and once there I showered. After that I basically did random stuff.
In the night when it was time to sleep, our family could just not sleep. We were so loud I have absolutely no idea we didn't have the front desk knocking on our door several times. My siblings put on mini shows, we entertained ourselves with the light coming in from the window creating a projecter on the wall for a shadow show, and did other random stuff. Yeah, it was loud.
On Monday morning I woke up and had breakfast, sat around a acted lazy, packed up, and then we began driving. We drove about 45 minutes into El Paso, Texas and found a hotel. It was advertised in a brocure (sp?) as a Holiday Inn Express, but it was becoming that in 1 week and was still a Travel Lodge. We checked in and grabbed a few things and then walked to a bank a few blocks away. Here we converted some money into Pasos and converted some money into american ones.
We walked back to the hotel and waited like a half and hour in the annoying wind for the hotel shuttle to arrive to carry us to the border. Finally it did come and we were driven and dropped off at the border. We walked through the checkpoint or whatever you call it and only had to pay 35 cents. We didn't even go through checks or anything. As soon as we got over the border I saw lots of kinda run down buildings and tons of people. After just a few minutes I knew I was going to love it here. A man bugged us on the way in asking if we wanted a cab ride because there were gangs further down. My dad knew better and didn't believe him. We stopped at a few shops and walked down a few streets. I can't remember the exact order of everything but we eventually ended up at the plaza or something like that. We shopped around and then ate our pasteries we had bought at a bakery earlier. Very yummy. After eating I went with Clint and Janessa to the upper level. Nearly every shop we passed we were dragged in by the owners. I tried on several bracelets because I was forced to and was shown many beautiful items. I was bugged at each place because I was the oldest and for the most part I resisted. When we were about halfway around the upper loop of shops I was dragged into yet another store. The salesperson was desperate. He had blankets which I really didn't want. The blanket began at $25 and I kept trying to leave. He eventually got all the way down to $5. How can you resist that? (Plus I wanted to leave.) So I just bought the blanket.
We continued on and I was shown many more things. I was bugged by every shop owner as I went along. I was asked to buy a very immodist dress and some very cute baby cowboy boots. :) Near the end I was sucked into this shop and I bought a very pretty small pot for $1.
After that I made it back downstairs. We hung out for a bit more and looked at some of the downstairs shops. A totally ignorant salesperson wanted my mom to buy a bracelet for Crystal. This is of course hard because Crystal wanted it, and vocally said so, but Mom didn't want to buy it. Eventually we had to just walk off.
After a bit more we walked to the back of the store to find the bathrooms. (My whole family.) This of course took along time because we got bothered by quite a few shops. Mom bought Crystal a bracelet and then Crystal didn't want it; she wanted a necelace. It's a never ending battle with five-year-olds.
Out back of the plaza were bathrooms. They were 25 cents per person but Dad got us all in for $1. They were quite nice bathrooms concidering they were in Mexico.
When we came out there was a candy store right there so we went in and bought some candy. This was more like an American store because everything was labelled which was very nice to not be harrassed. I had no idea what anything tasted like and I could understand very little so I bought three very small candies.
When we exited the store there was a young girl and her mother there trying to sell sparkly purses for $2 each. Mom asked her if she made them herself and she said she did. But I am sure she just didn't know what she was saying because they obviously weren't homemade. (Janessa found a plastic tag holder thing around her purse.) Anyway, Crystal, Janessa, and I all got one.
When we were still purchasing from the little girl another man walked up who said he would write something on rice for two dollars or something like that. We had to turn him down.
After that I think we walked back to the main street where we came in on: B. Juarez and went back to a shop that we had been to earlier. Here I bought a purse and a change purse.
After that we began heading out of Mexico and we gave to beggars all along the way.
After we arrived at the border we had to scramble up thirty cents, we paid, and then walked across the long bridge. Back on the US side of the Rio Grande we waited in line and then went through a checkpoint where they asked us what we had and my parents showed their ID. We then went to another building where Dad payed nearly a dollar for his Tequila that the state of Texas had absolutely nothing to do with.
After that we walked to some pay phones and called our shuttle. We waited an agonizing 20 minutes or so before the shuttle came. (Ten minutes, my butt!) When we got in the airconditioned van, it was like heaven.
We rode back to the hotel and once there I showered. After that I basically did random stuff.
In the night when it was time to sleep, our family could just not sleep. We were so loud I have absolutely no idea we didn't have the front desk knocking on our door several times. My siblings put on mini shows, we entertained ourselves with the light coming in from the window creating a projecter on the wall for a shadow show, and did other random stuff. Yeah, it was loud.
Vacation, Day II
On Sunday Morning I woke up and had continental breakfast. We packed up and drove all day again. On the road from Farmington to Alburqueque we saw lots of road kill, tons of nothingness, and one random llama in the middle of nowhere sitting on a pile of gravel. Go figure. It was cool though.
When a little further than halfway to Alburqueque we stopped at a McDonalds in a small town called Cuba. We each got a burger and then Dad got mad at me for flinging the sliding door on the van open...I was annoying because I really didn't mean to.
After about another hour of driving we drove through Alburqueque. It's a really big city and very fun to drive through. It had NINETEEN freeway exits...
A bit after Alburqueque we stopped in a town called Belen for gas.
After Belen we drove for like another 3 hours all the way to Las Cruces. It was agonizing and I went quite crazy. We watched lots of sagebrush and our windsheild becoming increasingly more covered with bug splatters. By the time we got to Las Cruces we had several GIANT yellow splatter from monarch butterflies (not to mention probably a thousand little clear splatters). At one point we came just inches from nailing a bird. That would have been really sad. (Sorry if this bit grossed anyone out.)
In Las Cruces we stopped for a bathroom break and watched dad clean off (more like scrape off) all the bug guts. After that we drove around to many hotels and this time shopping around paid off. We found a nice hotel that was under renovation (but half of it was still old, which was the part we stayed in). And I think it was only $50 or something...not sure. But a lot cheaper than anything else around. We settled in and I just did random stuff for the rest of the day. I played catch with Dad and Janessa, took pictures of my siblings in the pool, watched TV, and other random stuff.
When a little further than halfway to Alburqueque we stopped at a McDonalds in a small town called Cuba. We each got a burger and then Dad got mad at me for flinging the sliding door on the van open...I was annoying because I really didn't mean to.
After about another hour of driving we drove through Alburqueque. It's a really big city and very fun to drive through. It had NINETEEN freeway exits...
A bit after Alburqueque we stopped in a town called Belen for gas.
After Belen we drove for like another 3 hours all the way to Las Cruces. It was agonizing and I went quite crazy. We watched lots of sagebrush and our windsheild becoming increasingly more covered with bug splatters. By the time we got to Las Cruces we had several GIANT yellow splatter from monarch butterflies (not to mention probably a thousand little clear splatters). At one point we came just inches from nailing a bird. That would have been really sad. (Sorry if this bit grossed anyone out.)
In Las Cruces we stopped for a bathroom break and watched dad clean off (more like scrape off) all the bug guts. After that we drove around to many hotels and this time shopping around paid off. We found a nice hotel that was under renovation (but half of it was still old, which was the part we stayed in). And I think it was only $50 or something...not sure. But a lot cheaper than anything else around. We settled in and I just did random stuff for the rest of the day. I played catch with Dad and Janessa, took pictures of my siblings in the pool, watched TV, and other random stuff.
Vacation, Day I
On Saturday, 2 April, around 10 AM or something, my whole family left for vacation. We drove south for a few hours until we got to Arches National Park. We paid and drove for awhile in the park. We stopped at a parking lot for the famous Delicate Arch. We walked for about 10 minutes and arrived at the viewpoint. (It's 3 miles to actually get to it--like I would hike that far!) Anyway, we veiwed it but couldn't take any pictures because our stupid camera batteries were dead. I'll have to buy a postcard when I'm back in Provo, lol. Or look at a Utah lisence plate...
Anyway, after visiting the arch we drove for a few more hours through Colorado and into Northern New Mexico. (That adds 2 states to my list of states visited :D) Here we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in Farmington. We got there fairly late so I basically swam, showered, and went to bed.
Anyway, after visiting the arch we drove for a few more hours through Colorado and into Northern New Mexico. (That adds 2 states to my list of states visited :D) Here we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in Farmington. We got there fairly late so I basically swam, showered, and went to bed.
19 March 2005
On Saturday morning I and two of my siblings went to the eye doctor for checkup, new glasses, etc. I've been wanting contacts for awhile of course, so when I went through my checkup, I told the doctor maybe because my mom hadn't said yes yet. Before I knew it, they hadn't even gotten approval and they were having my try contacts on. It was really weird but the sales person told me I got them on really fast (like 5 minutes.) I guess that's because I told myself before that I'm not scared to touch my eye, so why should a contact be that scary to put in?
So anyway, after about 4 hours (!!!) we left, I had a tial pair of contacts and new glasses being ordered. I have to go back in a week so they can check to see how my contacts are working and order more etc. My mom is pretty pissed because they charged way more than they said they would for our exams and of course didn't ask about the contact thing. It was $400 some odd dollars, and I was the only one who got new eyeware.
Anyway, after that we left, I did random stuff at home, I babysat Coleson, did more random stuff, and at about 8 PM I went with my mother to the store for groceries and stuff.
This morning (Sunday) I woke up to giant snow flakes and the ground white. It is still snowing heavily!!! Today is supposed to be the first day of spring but I'm convinced it's really the 21st... Anyway, I predicted it would snow the day after the first day of spring, but I guess I was close enough. I made that guess when discussing with a friend how all the newscasters think just because it's spring means it can't snow anymore. I made up that date in hopes that it would prove them wrong, and it aparently did! :D
So anyway, after about 4 hours (!!!) we left, I had a tial pair of contacts and new glasses being ordered. I have to go back in a week so they can check to see how my contacts are working and order more etc. My mom is pretty pissed because they charged way more than they said they would for our exams and of course didn't ask about the contact thing. It was $400 some odd dollars, and I was the only one who got new eyeware.
Anyway, after that we left, I did random stuff at home, I babysat Coleson, did more random stuff, and at about 8 PM I went with my mother to the store for groceries and stuff.
This morning (Sunday) I woke up to giant snow flakes and the ground white. It is still snowing heavily!!! Today is supposed to be the first day of spring but I'm convinced it's really the 21st... Anyway, I predicted it would snow the day after the first day of spring, but I guess I was close enough. I made that guess when discussing with a friend how all the newscasters think just because it's spring means it can't snow anymore. I made up that date in hopes that it would prove them wrong, and it aparently did! :D
10 February 2005
Braces off, Stars Assembly, classes and dentist
Grrr! I am so angered! I typed half this entry and then livejournal was in read-only mode, I couldn’t post, and I couldn’t get my info back. It would have been fine if someone had warned me first…
Oh well, I am in the mood now to re-type it all. With some additions about today.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I drove Janessa to school and then drove myself to the Ortho. The took my braces off: Me thinking that wasn’t so bad. Then they ground the adhesive off: Again, that’s not so bad. Maybe the removal of braces isn’t as horrible as I’ve heard. Then they started putting in trays of mold to make imprints of my teeth for my retainers. The top one wasn’t so bad. Then they did the bottom one. It hurt like heck. The metal tray was too small and they had to cram it over my gums. It hurt so bad! Then they did another top one and I practically choked because I couldn’t breath. The crap was partially going down my throat. Then they did some X-rays. This took awhile because the machines were being butts but I didn’t really care. Then the doctor put my bottom retainer on. It’s basically a few metal particles glued to the inside of my bottom front teeth. Then they tried on my retainer, it rocked so they just cut it shorter which works for me. It’s clear, like those Invisalign thingies. At first I didn’t want that kind because it looks so artificial as if your teeth are covered but now I’m really liking it. They told me I had to wear it for 3 weeks all the time and then only at nights thereafter. My next appointment isn’t until some time in August. Sweetness.
After I left the Ortho I had to use the rear view mirror to clean all the random crap off of my face. It was discusting. I drove myself back to school and I was only about 10 minutes late to US History.
Later, after 2nd period, we had the Stars Assembly. (Our school’s talent show.) The worst act was a heavymetal band which near the end felt as if my ears were being torn apart. The next acts up from that were rap acts (or some guy just making noise). Other acts that were enjoyable were piano, cello, singing, and Dance. Josie Rogers (Former Fantine) and two other friends danced and sung to “It’s Raining Men”. It was very cute, funny, good. The girls wore really cute raincoats and throughout the song guys dressed in 70’s outfits would come out and dance in the background. Another act that I really enjoyed were a few girls dancing to “Let’s get down to business” from Mulan. I love that song (now it’s stuck in my head). My favorite acts were Mary, who has an amazing voice, sang Italian opera. The finale was the best of all though. Someone dressed as Pedro came to the microphone and said: “If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true.” Then someone dressed as Napoleon came out and did the exact dance that Napoleon did in the movie. IT WAS SO AWESOME! It was just like watching the movie except for the fact at the end it really started to bug me that it just was not Napoleon. But it was still great though.
Ok, now on to today (Thursday). I got to drive to school again and I’ll just move onto the classes that I have things to say stuff about. In 3rd period (English) after some allotted time for English, we had an “assembly” which was basically just a movie we stayed in our classrooms to see. It was on depression and basically just made everyone depressed or made them feel like they had the symptoms of depression. My opinion? Very gay. One good part though was when they listed people who were successful despite their mental condition. It was great when they listed Edgar Allen Poe. Lol. The whole class started laughing. So, I have a question for all my livejournal readers. Are you a friend that’s going to tell me to get professional help if I become depressed?!?
Now I wish to write about basketball class. I’m really beginning to love it and am already dreading the day when I have to leave it. It’s just really awesome because there’s only like 15 girls in my class so most of us are all friends. I really think we are all going to become quite closely bonded. Anyway, it’s fun. J
After school I drove home and then had to get ready right then for the dentist. After a bit I drove myself and Clint to the dentist. Clint played Xbox, I checked in, and then read Reader’s Digest. I was sad because I couldn’t find their science magazine that was there a few months ago…L Eventually they called me back and it really wasn’t that bad. Probably one of the best dentist visits ever. I got to watch TV which basically took my mind off it and I didn’t have any cavities.
Blah, blah, blah, and then I came home and it’s been pretty much boring since then.
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