19 March 2005


On Saturday morning I and two of my siblings went to the eye doctor for checkup, new glasses, etc.  I've been wanting contacts for awhile of course, so when I went through my checkup, I told the doctor maybe because my mom hadn't said yes yet.  Before I knew it, they hadn't even gotten approval and they were having my try contacts on.  It was really weird but the sales person told me I got them on really fast (like 5 minutes.) I guess that's because I told myself before that I'm not scared to touch my eye, so why should a contact be that scary to put in?
     So anyway, after about 4 hours (!!!) we left, I had a tial pair of contacts and new glasses being ordered.  I have to go back in a week so they can check to see how my contacts are working and order more etc.  My mom is pretty pissed because they charged way more than they said they would for our exams and of course didn't ask about the contact thing.  It was $400 some odd dollars, and I was the only one who got new eyeware. 
     Anyway, after that we left, I did random stuff at home, I babysat Coleson, did more random stuff, and at about 8 PM I went with my mother to the store for groceries and stuff.
     This morning (Sunday) I woke up to giant snow flakes and the ground white.  It is still snowing heavily!!! Today is supposed to be the first day of spring but I'm convinced it's really the 21st... Anyway, I predicted it would snow the day after the first day of spring, but I guess I was close enough.  I made that guess when discussing with a friend how all the newscasters think just because it's spring means it can't snow anymore. I made up that date in hopes that it would prove them wrong, and it aparently did! :D

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