17 May 2007


Two exciting things I got accepted for as of recent:

1. I auditioned for The Scarlet Pimpernel at Peteetneet Academy in Payson for Payson Community Theatre. It was so fun! When I was younger I took ballet at Peteetneet so it was so fun to get to sing on the stage there. Anyway, they called me and invited me to be part of their chorus (which is really probably the best female part). I don't really know much more about the show except that we only do seven shows end of August-beginning of September. We have an initial meeting on Wednesday so hopefully that clears up a lot. This show's going to be a lot of fun but traveling won't be so pleasant. But since my grandparents live in Payson I may be able to crash there sometimes.

2. I got accepted for a housekeeping position at the hospital in Provo. I will make over $2 more per hour then I do at Smith's and I'll get benefits. Tomorrow I go to fill out all the paper work and junk. They're making me get a TB test and a blood test. :( Fear...of...needles... I have to buck up and do it though...

Explorers is getting much more formal now. We have to wear uniforms and we have organized leaders within the group. IHC called with the job offer conveniently right when Ness and I were to leave to the activity so we were late and now I'm all confused. (I feel so bad for being late too, but I had a good reason!)

I have begun voice lessons again which is very fun. I take them from Heather Glissmeyer and so far she seems to be very good. I really enjoy them although doing all this breathing stuff is sort of tedious. Soon we'll get to music though!

Oh, and most importantly, I GRADUATE ON THURSDAY! I'm so sick of school right now and for the first time this whole year I'm skipping school for senior sluff day tomorrow. I was going to be a relaxing do-whatever-I-want day, but now I have to go to all the stuff at the hospital. At least it's in the afternoon and I'll get to sleep.

*sings-To the tune of Food from Oliver!* "Sleep, glorious sleep!"

And I guess that's the basic rundown of my life. Pretty much everything will change for me within the next week or two--summer/not-high school, getting back into theatre, and a new job. Wow.

I hope I like my new job! It seems so rigid. Anytime anyone's called me it has been a different person and the hospital is so huge with so many employees! I have to take this on with confidence and get what I'm entitled from my job.

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