26 February 2006

Grading the Franklin Elm. Science Fair (Thur. 2 Feb.)

Today the AP Biology students took a field trip during the morning to grade the science fair at Franklin Elementary.  They gave us lots of yummy treats.  It was hard because I didn't really know how to grade so I ended up scoring really high.  But we didn't really judge them by that anyway.  It'll make the kids feel good when they get their judges cards back anyway... *shrug*  It was a very cool experience and I learned lots of interesting tidbits and facts.  One partnership did a project where they put mentos in a 2-liter of diet coke and it would explode.  She had to take me outside to do it and I was the only judge who got to see it.  I didn't know you could make a cool fountain in that way and that mentos and diet coke would be so explosive.  The girl got completely soaked but quickly assured me "don't worry, I brought spare clothes."  There were also other amazing projects.  We got to hand out the awards which was fun.