13 October 2004

I got my license!

Today I came home from school and my friend Sydney (or babytreegirl if your from www.frenchboys.net) and we went to our old middle school to visit teachers, but the one we wanted to visit wasn't there. So then we went to our elementary school and visited our 4th/6th grade teacher and just looked around at stuff.  Then we went back to my house and my dad had to go to the hospital in Orem to get more medicine in his IV.  So we had to go because the theatre we were going to later was near there. 
     So we gathered up a bunch of random stuff to do and left. I got to drive. We went in the hospital, my dad checked in, and we watched Spongebob in the waiting room.  Then we realized that there would not be enough time to grab food before it was time to be at the theatre, so my dad gave Sydney and I 6 bucks to go to the hospital cafeteria.  We ate and then my dad came and we left.  It turned out they turned his drip on really high so he got done really fast so we had extra time.  So we went to K-mart to look for presents for my sisters b-day tomorrow.  I got really angry and discovered that I have a double jointed pinky.  (You had to be there to understand, lol)  After that my dad dropped us off at the theatre and we went and sat down.  We had 2nd row seats so it was really awesome.  JEKYLL AND HYDE IS NOW OFFICIALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSICALS!  And it's like right up there next to Les Mis which scares me.  Partly because the actor playing Jekyll/Hyde was PERFECT and just so awesome!  My favorite scenes where when he sang "This is the Moment", (he had so much conviction, and yeah, it was awesome) the first time he transforms, and near the end when he is fighting against himself, constantly changing back and forth.  When he was Hyde he would throw his hair over his face, so the whole scene his hair was like everywhere.  That scene gave me the chills.  It was especially funny because the very next scene is his wedding, and he has his hair hastily tied back in a ponytail.  lol.  But I strongly recomend this show if you get a chance.

12 October 2004

Monday Afternoon

Today I came home from school and my friend Sydney (or babytreegirl if your from www.frenchboys.net) and we went to our old middle school to visit teachers, but the one we wanted to visit wasn't there. So then we went to our elementary school and visited our 4th/6th grade teacher and just looked around at stuff.  Then we went back to my house and my dad had to go to the hospital in Orem to get more medicine in his IV.  So we had to go because the theatre we were going to later was near there. 
     So we gathered up a bunch of random stuff to do and left. I got to drive. We went in the hospital, my dad checked in, and we watched Spongebob in the waiting room.  Then we realized that there would not be enough time to grab food before it was time to be at the theatre, so my dad gave Sydney and I 6 bucks to go to the hospital cafeteria.  We ate and then my dad came and we left.  It turned out they turned his drip on really high so he got done really fast so we had extra time.  So we went to K-mart to look for presents for my sisters b-day tomorrow.  I got really angry and discovered that I have a double jointed pinky.  (You had to be there to understand, lol)  After that my dad dropped us off at the theatre and we went and sat down.  We had 2nd row seats so it was really awesome.  JEKYLL AND HYDE IS NOW OFFICIALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSICALS!  And it's like right up there next to Les Mis which scares me.  Partly because the actor playing Jekyll/Hyde was PERFECT and just so awesome!  My favorite scenes where when he sang "This is the Moment", (he had so much conviction, and yeah, it was awesome) the first time he transforms, and near the end when he is fighting against himself, constantly changing back and forth.  When he was Hyde he would throw his hair over his face, so the whole scene his hair was like everywhere.  That scene gave me the chills.  It was especially funny because the very next scene is his wedding, and he has his hair hastily tied back in a ponytail.  lol.  But I strongly recomend this show if you get a chance.

Driver's Test

On Monday I got to drive to school at 6 AM and took my test. I got there first so the other boy testing had to go first. Which helped me a lot because I was so nervous. He took his and screwed up like half the manuvers and did a ton of stuff wrong. I thought he failed but he barely passed. So I knew I would have no problem. When I was done he said I did good, I only had trouble with like something about lanes and speed control. (I didn't speed up quickly enough once.) But yeah, I am so relieved it's over with.

09 October 2004


Sorry I took so long to make this update.  I just keep forgetting.  Anyway, my Dad got about 100 stitches and 2 days after the accident we found out that the doctor didn't give him any antibiotics.  So now like every 8 hours a nurse has to come to our house and give him an IV of antibiotics. 
      Anyway, other updates: I am taking my drivers test on Monday morning. I am so nervous! I haven't even practiced for like a week, and my parents don't seem very willing to take me.  But I am just going to bug them a lot and hope it works!  Today (Saturday) we had like a little mini yardsale and Janessa found this awesome instument called a "Violin Uke" I think.  It's so creepy. It's shaped like a coffin and has all minor cords so it sounds like as if in a scary movie.  Janessa and I are working on a little short scary clip that we are going to make.  I slowly go into the basement which is dark and creepy while Janessa plays scary music on the Uke.  I open this one door in our basement, scream, and get pulled in.  The door slams shut and Janessa hits all the strings at once and it makes this really freaky sound.  When we practice Nessa said my scream scared her. I am so happy because I've never taken any acting classes and I didn't think I would be able to scream. But it really is scary in the room. It's pitch black. You just have to see my basement to understand, it would be perfect for any scary movie.  The first part is all cement, and the room I go into is all dirt. Like dirt walls and everything. (heh, sorry for that rant :))
      Today we also gave away 2 of our kittens.  Mocos to some people that live next door in the apartments, and Winecask to this guy who helped renovate the apartments.  We didn't ask what number the lady who took Mocos lives in, but I will have to find out soon so I can go visit.

04 October 2004

Dad gets cut

I was at the computer (but where else?) when my dad walked in and said: "Ok, I'm going to the hospital right now".  It scared me because he is so not like that. Usually he needs the hospital, but no matter what my mom does, he refuses to go.  Well, I guess he can tell when it's serious.  He was using the skill saw to cut wood.  It was his last piece and out of carelessness he cut through the wood and then halfway through his thigh.  You see, he was standing, holding the wood with his left hand, and had the skill saw (in case you don't know, a skill saw is a hand held electric saw, that has a round blade and spins really fast.) in his right.  He cut through the wood and then tripped or something, but mainly it was carelessness and he hit his leg.  I don't know.  Right now he is at the hospital and has been for about an hour.  I saw his cut right before he left (I happened to walk into the room while he was showing it, I really didn't want to though) and it looked nearly bone deep and was probably a foot long, if not close to it.  More updates when he calls or gets back!

12 September 2004

Road II

On Friday I did road, but Madeline didn't come so I am not going to witness a test.  And I'm probably not taking my test until later next week, I think I am going back on Thursday but I'm not sure if that's when I'll be taking the test or the pre-test. (Yup, I decided to take a pre-test because I think it will really help.) Road was sorta boring, we just drove around basically and practiced parallel parking a little and then since Madeline didn't come, I got done really early.  So he just dropped me off like 3 blocks from my house.  Which was good because if he took me back to school, I would have had to wait for like an hour and a half for the afterschool bus.

09 September 2004

Road I

Today I had to do road. The whole experience was nervousing, (not as scary as I thought it would be though) fun, boring, and long all at the same time. The only things I had trouble with was 90 degree parking, (I'm fine usually but I just messed it up today) parallel parking, (duh) and maintaining a good speed. 25 MPH is such a crawl! To maintain it, I would a little too fast, so I would slow down a bit. Then I would be going too slow. So then Coach Roylance had to tell me to speed up. The gas pedal is just so touchy in the drivers ed car. You barely touch the pedal and it goes really fast. Oh yeah, and I think I had a lot of problems because it has the duel control pedals. So all the sudden the brake would go down, and I would be like: “What the…?” And then I would realize what he was doing, but it distracted me so much that I did the maneuver wrong until I got used to it. I will probably be taking my test on Monday or around then, I am so scared! I was with a girl named Madeline who’s B-day is on Saturday and she’s taking her test tomorrow. (Which means I will get to observe which will help me A LOT.)

24 August 2004


Last night I was going to bed, when Sixtoes and then Brownie got on my bed. Brownie would have been normal, but Sixtoes, she is still mot of the time afraid of us. Well, anyway, around 4 AM I was awakened by mewing. I thought it was Sixtoes, but I relized it sounded more like a kittens meow. I was thinking: "It's possible, but I don't think so. Not yet." Well, I turned on the light and there was a little orange kitten there. Janessa heard me talking to Sixtoes (call me insane but, yes, I talk to my cats) and she woke up. I kept trying to sleep but I didn't really sleep that well. By the time I went to school, there were 3 orange kittens and my bed was disgusting.
School was really boring as usual. We had pictures today, it sorta felt like my picture turned out well, but who knows? One can only hope. And that's about everything even remotly interesting.
When I got home there were 4 kittens; the fourth ended up gray. I think 3 of them have 6 toes, not exactly sure though. Anyway, we haven't really came up with any permanent names, but they gray one may be named Thunder after my Uncle's cat, who is getting on in years. (Technically Thunder the II, but we would call him Thunder.)

19 August 2004

Vacation III

On Monday, we went to Lagoon again. It was really fun and everyone was a lot less tired than last time. After Lagoon closed we drove home. I unpacked a little, went on the internet a bit, and hugged my kitties. I was so happy they were safe and they were still so cute!!! :) You could tell they missed us so much...:) they are such suck ups. :) That's what makes them so cute though. That night I went to bed around 1 AM
And that's the end of my vacation!

15 August 2004

Vacation II (The Great Salt Lake)

Today my dad didn't want to sit around all day at the hotel so we decided to go to the Great Salt Lake, and to kill even more time, take the backroads. We drove around forever and eventually got to one part of the lake, but we didn't want to go in. So we left and this time my dad let me drive. It was really fun. We eventually got to this one bay part (I forgot what it's called) and it was a dirt road. And it was SO BuMpY. We got to some water and collected some shells and pretty rocks, which I am gunna tape in my journal. (they are really small). Then we drove on and stopped a few times but there were tons of horseflies. So we kept driving thinking we would get out the other side. We saw tons of awsome birds along the way. (If this were one of those dumb english tests, that would be sentence that doesn't really fit in...oh well.)
I was driving forever and it was getting really annoying. Finally I hit a rock and it made a really loud noise. I freaked out and my dad looked. We didn't hurt the oil pan but bent some thing under there, I forgot what it's called. But it wasn't anything too important. So my dad asked if I wanted him to drive. so I let him. I was getting pretty sick of it after an hour and a half. So we kept driving and finally got to a point where the road didn't go anywhere. We could see civilization just a half mile away, but couldn't get to it. So we had to go all the way back....yes, great fun of getting bumped around for another hour. I made it better by listening to the OLC though. Anyway, yeah, we just got back and now I am going swimming.

Vacation I

I've been on vacation since last Wednesday. First we drove to Layton and the Holiday Inn Express (my favorite hotel ever) was booked. So we tried a few other hotel and eventually we stayed at a hotel that just opened about 30 minutes ago. It was awsome. But it seemed as if they had a lot of things wrong. Like no garbage cans, and I went on the elevator and it just stopped. You can imagine my panick because I HATE elevators. But anyway, while we were at that hotel we ate out, went swimming, as well as other things.
The second day we checked out and moved to an older motel but it's basically just as nice and everything isn't breaking right and left. Plus this one has internet connection. The other one would've had wireless but it wasn't up yet. grrrr. Anyway, at our new hotel we first went swimming. It was boring so my dad threw a bunch of coins in and we had to dive for them. Very tiring but entertaining. I won which means when we go to lagoon I will get the shower first. :)
For the rest of the day, we just did random stuff. My siblings had fun in the fitness room and I filmed them doing funny stuff and that's about it.
The next day we went to lagoon. We stopped at the store and bought lots of treats, and got to lagoon almost right when they were opening. It was really fun. I finally got to go on Cliffhanger which has always been closed. SO FUN!! My dad even convinced me to go on the Catapult. It's a ball that you sit in and get shot way up into the air. It was actually really fun and we went twice. They had a broadway show thingy, and i went just because I thought they might do a song from Les Mis. Well they didn't and I am so angry. The show was good and all but I WANT LES MIS!!! anyway....the day was really fun, and I got a little sunburned. :D
On the way back we got really lost because they were doing construction on the freeway so we didn't know how to get on it. We drove all over and everyone was really hyper which made everything extremely funny. We drove down this one road and there was a checkpoint of some kind with a guy in a little booth thingy. A sign said "pay $2 per axle". I know it sounds retarted, but we were laughing our heads off. Eventually we figured out it was probably an entrance to the hill airforce base. Still way funny. Eventually we got back to where I reconized everything. Mom and I both thought we should turn down this one road, but my Dad said pass because it was really dark and he thought we might get mugged. So we passed it and eventually went going a really long way. The way Mom and I said would have been the right path.
The next day we basically just recovered from Lagoon. We napped half the day and layed on the beds doing nothing. Near evening I started feeling really sick, thinking it was probably because I was hungry. So we drove across town to this cute little cafe. I felt sick throughout the whole meal but afterwards I began to feel better. On the way back we stopped at Smith's and bought food, and I finally got tape so I can put things in my journal.
When we got back to the motel I rested for a second and cut out things to tape in my journal. Then we decided we would go swimming. I got ready but then my stomach hurt to bad so I rested more. Finally I went down to the pool and swam. My stomach still hurt a little but I am feeling a little better. Clint was being retarted (as usual) and Crystal can now swim. !!!! I am so happy for her! we've been trying to teach her forever. Of course she can only swim for a few feet, but that's still way awsome!
When we got out of the pool we watched TV until I fell asleep.
The next day I got up and ate breakfast. Then I came on here. Now this journal is updated completely!! I am still having fun but I miss Sanno terribly. He is so cute and fuzzy. I just hope him and Brownie are ok. Anyway, I guess this is the end!

30 July 2004

Today was awsome. During the early afternoon, I went to the library with my sisters and afterwards I got a slurpee. Then I went home for about an hour and my dad decided he was going back to 7 eleven and he was buying. And he didn't know I already had a slurpee, so I didn't tell him just incase that would prevent me from getting another. I was in the kitchen looking for another cup, seeing that the only one we knew where was was already three fourths full of slurpee. Dad came in and he knew that I knew where my slurpee cup was. So he yelled at me to go get it and wouldn't let me take any cups to transfer it into. So I went out in the garage and found a zipblock bag and an old styrofoam bowl and poured it in. And of course I had to spill it everywhere, but that's beside's the point. Anyway, we went and and I got my slurpee. The same lady that helped me about an hour before was there too. I can only imagine what was running through her mind. "She's back again?? She didn't even have time to finish her last slurpee yet!!!"
When we got back I organized a bunch of stuff from my old room and the home teachers came. Then I got to drive Nessa to her piano lesson and then I organized some more and then I got to go pick her up. When I got back I did random stuff until late evening and my whole family went to the baseball game which was boring. All the power went out which was fun but we had to wait for them to get them back on before they could finish the game which meant longer before we got to go get food.
By the time we got the the Malt Shoppe I was starving but the food was delicious even though my burger was half cold. Then we came home and now here I am. There is about a slurpee and a half out in the fridge in my room. It will last me for a few days. :) yay!

10 July 2004

I haven't written for a long time yet again. Yesterday I got home from spending 6 or 7 days at my Grandparents house with my cousins are up from California. When I got home I found out the garage was all ready to move in. So lately I've just been being bored and trying to get all my stuff situated out there. It's really nice, we have tons of shelf space for my books, A/C, our own phone, (but not our own phone line) and a TV with cable. Sadly we didn't get a VCR or DVD player. So no TAC in my room. :(
Anyway, two things happened last night which I must tell. First the least exciting one. Last night someone reached over our fence and stole a bunch of our wood. Which is scary because I was sleeping out there. But they weren't after me or my family, they were probably just going camping and needed some wood. But heck, it works for me. The woods annoying anyway. But my dad is sorta irked.
The second thing is REALLY sad. You know my kitten Columbus? She was the only black one; the one who was going to my friend Sydney when she got older. Well, this morning my dad found her with her head almost completely torn off and half eaten in the neighbors driveway. :( It's so sad. Poor Columbus. And the sad thing is, that we think it was most likely Columbus's dad who killed him. Cat's are so dumb. I love them though. If only people would fix their pets. Ok, thats a whole other rampage. lol.

25 June 2004

Today I haven't done anything but go on the internet and read. Jackie (a lady I babysit for) moved back her after moving to CA for like 1 week. so I have tons of babysitting jobs. yesterday, I babysat from 10 in the moring until 6 in the evening! we are going to be babysitting from 9 AM to 6 PM everyday for awhile. Until she gets daycare. luckily I have Janessa cause I don't think I could handle that little busy body every single day. She should get daycare within the next week, but its annoying because Ness and I can't do anything together until then. :( I am so excited for our yardsale. My dad put an ad in the newspaper so this thing is serious. Its gunna be BIG! I hope we get rid of enough stuff, thats our main goal, not really so much to make money. Hopefully it will do well cause then my parents will be in a good mood, which is simply good for us. Plus maybe we will go to lagoon or a vacation. Also, it helps with how nice my parents will make it for me and Janessa in the garage. Some stuff we are already most liekly getting include: a fridge, our own phone line, the computer, plus its tons bigger. we were gunna get my old waterbed but then we would have to share it and it takes up too much room. so we are probably putting the bunkbed in there. I get the bottom bunk. :) (its the biggest) but i refuse to unless we get a new matress cause yeah, the bottom bunk is clints right now. talk about nasty, plus the matress is like falling apart. I still don't know if I want to move out there tho cause I have my own rooom now, and I don't know what extra chores and rudeness my parents will try to bestow on us. plus who knows what storage they will make us have out there? my mom wants to put the washer, dryer, all her stuff/storage and who knows what else. but my dad says nothing but ness and mines stuff is going in there. so hopefully my dad will win, which i think he will. :)and thats all i can think about thats really important right now! ;)

23 June 2004

wow, i haven't written much lately. right now my family is preparing for a yardsale on saturday. my parents tore everything out of our garage and are sorting through it. i might get to finally move out into the garage. which would be awsome but would also suck in many ways. today i basically just read the brick and went on the internet all day. and our whole family went to taco bell, which isn't that exciting but whatever. :) and thats basically all thats new.....

15 May 2004

more about kittens!

today i came home from the library and clint told me: "we got the kittens out". and my dad was like: "shush....look out the window". and i looked out the window and i saw nessa sitting on the lawn with sixtoes and her 4 kittens. they were so cute!!! finally my dad let us go out to see them. we were right, there are 3 orange ones and 1 black one. one of the orange ones has 6 toes, the rest are normal. we got to hold them for a few minutes and then my dad made us put them back. we've decided on these names so far:
the orange one with six toes is: sixty toes, or sixtoes jr. (i want the first, nessa wants the latter. we will just see what sticks)
the only black one: he has orange spots on his back so i named him bambi (or it could be a her) anyway, those names will most likely change tho

new e-mail

today ive basically done nothing. its a great day cause its saturday, yay! and no school until tuesday. after that there are only 9 days left of school. im so happy. anyway, i just made a new e-mail adress its: thepurplelark@hotmail.com i will still check my old e-mail Purplegirl_14@hotmail.com but i will respond faster at my new one. i just got of sick purplegirl, besides purplelark sound cool. hehe.

14 May 2004


we suspected that our cat, sixtoes, had had kittens cause she kept going behind this one house across the street. we weren't sure because we didn't even really know she was pregnant cause we never catch her. well, on tuesday (may 11th) my sister was outside in the morning and she thought she saw sixtoes run into our backyard with something in her mouth. she only saw a glimpse of her, but she was pretty sure of what she saw.
so anyway, that afternoon, i came home and she told me that little story. so we started looking for the kittens in our backyard, if there really even were any. the only place they could be was in our garage, which is like a big storage room, its not even a garage anymore. (my dad carpeted it and stuff)i went back inside but my dad and my sister, kept looking. then my sister came in and said that they'd found kittens!!!! so i went back there. i had to climb onto of a desk and look over a whole heap of junk to see them with a flashlight. they were so cute!!!!! we think they are around 2 weeks old because they have their eyes open already. we're pretty sure there are 4, 3 orange, and 1 black. my dad won't let us get them out until they r grown up enough to walk around on their own. i wanna get them out so bad cause they r so adorable! we r wondering if any of them have 6 toes liek their mother.....