25 May 2010

A CRAZY Day (5-14-10)

Today was supposed to be a good day. I took my writing exam, the last thing needed to complete my nursing application, and got it all turned in. In the evening I was going to take family names to the temple for baptisms with my sister Janessa and my Grandma and Grandpa Adams. It was in between those two really good things that I got myself into trouble.

I decided to take a spur of the moment trip to IKEA with Clint and Crystal in an attempt to buy these really cool vases for my sister as a graduation present. The IKEA website said the Draper store had the vases, and I took that as proof enough and proceeded with the trip. As it turns out, they had quit making the vases and had sent them to the "close-out" section just the week before. They had TONS just days before but by now had sold them all. I was pretty bummed.

And then we were driving home, sort of hurriedly, in rush hour traffic from a completely pointless, wasteful trip, and I just had to get into a car accident to make the trip even worse.  Basically traffic went from 65 to 0 in a matter of seconds and I failed to realize that we weren't just slowing down, we were screaming to a halt. I rear-ended the car in front of me and then was rear-ended myself. Five cars in all were involved, but we were sort of two separate accidents because the fourth car in the mess has been able to stop in time, but he himself was rear-ended. No one was injured in the collision, thank heavens. The car that I hit had minimal damage--I think they were probably the only ones who didn't have to be towed. The front of my car was another story though. It was pretty smashed. The back looked mostly normal, but the rear hatch couldn't be opened. My airbags didn't deploy though so that's one good thing. The car that hit me though, a mustang, was in BAD shape. Their hood was all bent, their airbags had deployed, and it wouldn't even run. It had to be shoved by an incident management truck to the side of the road and, later, by a highway patrol car onto a tow truck. It's most certainly totaled.

My car is currently at a body shop and I'm waiting to hear if they're going to total it. The original damage estimate was six-thousand and something but they've found a bit more damage. If it isn't totaled, it's going to be dang close. I really hope they don't total it because I love my car and I definitely don't want to start over again on payments. Ugh. Poor Yaris.

If they do total my car, does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of car I should get? Right now I'm leaning towards just getting another Yaris...but I'm not entirely sure.

13 May 2010

Shooting at Smith's Saturday, 8 May, 2010

On Saturday, my sister Janessa picked up three hours of a shift from a co-worker (who had picked those three hours up from another co-worker). These three hours were pretty much the only three hours she'd worked for nearly two weeks. She was scheduled to be off at 7, but stayed two extra hours so a girl who wasn't feeling well could go home. So, she should have been off at 9 but wasn't because, just minutes before she was off, the shooting occurred.

It's amazing what led up to Janessa being there; so many little things that changed, and in many ways, were unusual. I'm just so glad she wasn't injured because each of those little pieces that changed could have become lifelong regrets.

Anyway, Saturday was a normal day at Smith's. Busy, but less so than everyone was used to because BYU had let out and the students had gone home for the summer. Janessa was busy on the front end, bagging customer's groceries, when she noticed a squabble between a man who was trying to shoplift beer and a non-Smith's employee who was there stocking shelves. The stocker was trying to carry out a citizen's arrest on the man and the man was totally uncooperative. The two were creating quite a disturbance so they went into a backroom behind the customer service counter and shut the door to work it out.

Janessa continued bagging.

Soon, the door opened again and Janessa heard something to this extent (with a few explicatives which I'm not including): "You've got a gun!" "No I don't!" "Yes you do, I just saw it!"

Everyone on the front end began to get a little nervous, but somehow just continued with their work.

And then there were shots being fired. Everyone scrambled to hide behind checkstands or whatever they could find. Alarms were ringing and announcements were being made over the intercom instructing customers with what to do. Most of the customers just ran out through the back doors through the back room though.

Then the store was evacuated to the parking lot where Janessa was held with the witnesses for an hour or two. Horrible rumors circulated that certain people had been shot, even down to indicating where they'd been shot. However these rumors started that were so far from the truth, I have no idea. It would be interesting to find out though. Anyway, the truth of the story, at least as far as we know, was this:

No shots were actually fired by the shoplifter, but only by the two policemen who had somehow arrived without Janessa seeing. (They would have had to walk right past her.) And the only injuries (not counting psychological ones) were to the guy trying to shoplift; he was shot and dead on the scene.

It's so crazy to realize that these things happen everywhere, even in our little bubble of Provo, where we think everything is so safe.

09 May 2010


I am so excited. SCHOOL! IS! OUT!

I finished with my UVU classes a couple weeks ago and I made it through with all As. I'm pretty sure that's my first 4.0 I've ever achieved although the classes were pretty easy so it's not as cool.

I took my anatomy final at Provo College on Thursday and I found out my score yesterday: 91%! Nice! I will definitely take it. So, overall, I made it out with an A- in the class. YAY!

So, now I'm done with school until August which is pretty much the longest break that I've had since, well, probably before kindergarten. It's going to be a FABULOUS summer and I kicked it off with finding out I made good grades. :) The only stuff I have planned thus far for summer is The Music Man, work, and of course, fitting in as much fun in between as possible.